6. conor maynard

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cute tired conor

conor walked in and collapsed on the sofa next to me, his head resting on my shoulder as he yawned, as he'd had a long day of rehearsals.

"hi, baby boy." i said softly, moving and telling him to move so that i was sat behind him, and i pulled his shirt off him.

i gently started massaging his shoulders, finding a knot, my aim to massage it away.

conor groaned and i smirked, getting him to lie on his back when i'd eased the knot, and i sat on his stomach and played with his hair.

i noticed him yawn, so i pressed cute kisses all over his bare collarbones, and his hands aimlessly trailed down my back, gently resting on my bum.

"come on." i said softly, getting up and holding his hand, as he got up as well, and i lead him to our bedroom.

i went into the bathroom and began brushing my teeth as conor undressed down to just his boxers, before coming into the bathroom and brushing his teeth too.

he got into bed and snuggled sleepily under the covers, as i just out on one of his t-shirts, with nothin else, and got into bed next to him.

"night, babe." he mumbled, draping an arm over my waist as i lay facing him.

"night, con. i love you." i leant forwards to press a single kiss to his lips.

"i love you too." i smiled, closing his eyes, the two of us falling asleep a short while later.

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