21. caspar lee

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very drunk caspar

i heard the front door being opened, at about 2am, and i left mine and caspar's bedroom to go and meet a completely hammered caspar, being supported by a giggly joe.

i laughed at the state of the two of them, and took caspar off joe, thanking him for bringing caspar home.

"hello." caspar smirked at me, "you're pretty." he stated.

i chuckled, "thanks."

"caspar, you have a girlfriend." joe said, before leaving and i laughed, knowing what would happen next.

"oh, dear. i'm sorry for calling you pretty, but i have a girlfriend." caspar said drunkenly.

"it's okay." i laughed, leading him into our room.

i pulled caspar's shirt over his head but he gasped, "no, you can't, i'm sorry. you're very pretty but i have a girlfriend." he hiccuped.

"shut up, caspar." i laughed and he stared at my face.

"i think you look like my girlfriend." he sighed, clearly confused due to his drunken state.

"do i?" i played along, undoing his belt and starting to pull his jeans down for him.

"no, stop it." he said, stepping away from me and pulling his jeans down himself, "where's my girlfriend?"

"i'm right here, baby." i said, encouraging him to get into bed, now just in his boxers.

"oh, hello. i'm sorry, there was a girl here and she tried to undress me, but i told her to stop because i have a girlfriend, and i called her pretty, i'm sorry, you're prettier." he rambled and i laughed.

"that's okay, you get some sleep." i said, and pulled the covers up over him, and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

he fell asleep within five minutes, and i got changed and joined him in bed a short while later, falling asleep quite quickly.

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