Chapter 1

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(Reader's POV)

It was a cold winter day, I walked along the sidewalk as the cold breeze caressed my rosy cheeks. I recently moved to Boston in search of my independence, unfortunately if I need to go somewhere I have to walk or take a taxi cab.

I needed to get to an interview so I called up a taxi cab and thankfully one stopped, I climbed in and the kind young male asked me where was I going.

I told him to take me to the Electronic building at the intersection. He nodded and he began to drive.

He offered me something to drink or something to eat, I asked for some water and he handed me a water bottle kindly.

After a while I arrived at the building and I got out of the taxi cab, I played the nice young male.

He smiled tenderly and then his expression changed to concerned.

Listen miss... I can't pick you up at night, but when you need me during the day call me; He said handing me his number on a piece of paper.

Okay? I said in confusion.

He drove off and I just looked at the building, I took a deep breath and I walked in.

I walked towards the main desk, there was a woman who was sitting there working on something.

Excuse me...? I said shyly.

How may I help you? The woman said annoyed.

I'm here for an interview.. I said firmly.

Name? She asked angrily.

Y/N L/N;I said nicely.

Okay so the boss is waiting to see you;she said shooing me away.

I turn away from her and I just walk away calmly, I get into an elevator and when I go to push a button I noticed this building has 200 floors...

The hell do the need that many floors for?!

I shrug it off and I just push the button with the number 200 on it and the doors close.
The elevator was kinda fast and soon stopped in the correct floor.

The doors open and I just step out, I then walk over to the manager's office. I knock slightly and a strong and kind voice told me to enter.

I opened the door and I went in, I close the door behind me slowly. I couldn't see anything, for some reason it was pitch black.

H-hello? I said hesitantly.

Hello miss Y/N, please take a seat; a strong and assertive voice said to me.

I started to feel around to attempt to find a chair, until I finally found a chair!

I sat on it and waited. Suddenly I felt weird.... Like something is wrong..

Then I feel a couple of arms wrap around my waist, I tense up a bit.

How?!?! Am I not on a chair?!?!

Suddenly the lights turn on and I feel someone place their chin on my shoulder, I am on someone's lap.....?!?

I clear my throat and I laugh awkwardly.

S-sorry I -I thought this was an empty chair.... I said attempting to stand up.

Its okay, it's my fault for having the lights off;He said chuckling.

C-can you let me go now? I asked nervously.

Hmm? What's your hurry? He said tightening his grip.

His Psychotic Smile(LJxReader) Where stories live. Discover now