Chapter 18

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(The Puppeteer's POV)

I felt slightly intrigued as I saw her tears run down her cheeks,I smirked as I shot some strings from my finger tips.

I tied one side to the tie and the other on a piece of wood on the ceiling,she squirmed slightly as I just chuckled.

Struggling will only make the knot get tighter.
I said bluntly as I stared at her.

Let me go!
She protested as she glared angrily.

I smirked and took a step back to admire the view,her face against the wall and her back turned towards me.

You are in no place to be making any demands.
I said raising an eyebrow.

I then took a swing at the belt hitting her directly on her back,she screamed loudly as she tilted her head back.

I bit my own bottom lip as I looked at her firmly.She growled angrily as she looked back at me once more.

I smirked and I took another swing at the belt hitting her even harder than before causing her to let out a louder scream.

She groaned as she clawed at the wall trying not to slide down the wall,I admired the way she was trying to stay strong and that was slightly arousing.

Y/N glared at me as she panted at the amount of pain that she was receiving,I chuckled and I took one more swing at the belt hitting her once more.

She groaned loudly as she clenched her jaw and dug her nails onto the wall in an attempt to keep her self standing.

Will you follow my orders next time?
I said whispering into her ear.

She shuddered and she growled angrily as she accepted her defeat,she continued to pant as she nodded in agreement.

I said,will you follow my orders next time?
I said annoyed to her not responding correctly.

She said bluntly as she sighed.

Good,now then.
I cut the strings and I held Y/N up,her legs were slightly weak.

I picked her up in my arms and I carried her over to where I placed her earlier,I placed her down softly as she groaned in pain.

Get some rest.
I said firmly as I stared at her.

Im not tired.
She said growling annoyed.

Did I ask you if you were tired? No,now shut up and get some rest.
I said annoyed as I looked into her eyes.

She sighed and laid down.

Y/N closer her eyes instantly,I stood up and walked away from her to allow her to rest.I walked over to the room where Y/N had entered before.

I opened the door and walked in closing the door behind me,I look around and notice the dress Y/N was so focused on.

I walked closer to the dress and touched it lightly as I sighed.

"It's all his fault,if he wouldn't have kidnapped you..We would have had the family you always wanted..."

-To be continued-

Poor Y/N...
What did the Puppeteer think that?
And who is this person he speaks of?

Find out next chapter


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