Chapter 16

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(LJ's POV)

I ran with no sense of where I was going,my main focus was on finding Y/N.Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder,I rapidly stopped and I yanked an arm and threw someone over my shoulder until they hit the ground violently.

I looked at the person and I then noticed it was Jeff,I sighed annoyed as he arched his back in pain.
I walked over to him and I kneeled down slightly.

How many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me?
I said helping him up.

Ngh....yeah what ever.Listen I know who took Y/N.
Jeff said groaning in pain as he straightened up.

I said raising an eyebrow.

It was the puppeteer.
Jeff said bluntly as he stared at me. That dude is extremely heartless,why would he want Y/N?
I said scratching the back of my head confused.

Well I don't know but it was him.Now are you gonna argue with me about how that dude doesn't have a heart?
He said sighing.

But I-
OOOOR are we gonna head over to this dudes place?
Jeff cut me off by covering my mouth.

I sighed angrily as I knew that Jeff was right,there was no time to waste.

Alright let's go!
I said growling angrily.

Follow me then,I know where he lives!
Jeff said as he started running.

I went running after him and as I did so I couldn't help but worry,if it is true that the puppeteer has her...what will he do with her? Or to her..?

I shook my head trying not to think of anything negative,I just wanted to focus on getting her back and being able to hold her in my arms once more.

I didn't care how long it would take,but I will find her....I have to find her....

(Jeff's POV)

I was leading the way towards the puppeteer's house,I can't lie I was worried for Y/N...but im also worried about LJ.

Ive never seen him this angry before and it worries me a lot.I don't know what he is capable of in this state,but what I do know is that it isn't gonna be good.

I bit my own bottom lip as I kept running,I then came to a stop.LJ lightly bumped into me,he raised an eyebrow and I just looked forward with widened eyes.

What's wrong?
LJ asked me as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

There is something that isn't adding up right now...
I said rubbing my chin.

And that is?
LJ said annoyed as he stared at me.

If I know him enough then I know that he wouldn't keep her in his house..
I said firmly as I looked at his house that was only a few inches away.

Why do you say that?
LJ said raising an eyebrow.

Because he knows we would look for him in his own house..
I said bluntly as I turned around.

Okay,but what if your wrong??
LJ said angrily.

Listen Clown boi,I know you and I aren't really the best of friends but you have to trust me.
I said bluntly as I looked at him.

Why should I? You haven't given me a reason to trust you before,why should I now?
LJ said annoyed.

Do it for Y/N.
I said sighing.

He sighed and growled annoyed as he knew he needed to trust me in order for us to find Y/N.
He angrily took a deep breath and looked at me.

Let's do it your way,but first I want to make sure the house has traps.
LJ said as he looked at me firmly.

I asked confused.

Just let's do this.
He said pulling me closer to him.

Woah dude,I don't swing that way.
I said shaking my head.

For goodness sake keep it in your pants.
He said annoyed.

He whispered some sort of plan in my ear and his plan intrigued me in a way.I wanted to see if it would work so I agreed to help.

-Two minutes later-

I said screaming loudly as I looked at the house.

W-what?!?! Where is he?!?
Jill appeared out of no where and she was worried sick.

He is in there!!! Something grabbed him and just dragged him away!!
I said worried.

I'll save you my sweet lollipop!!!
Jill said running into the house.

LJ soon comes out of the bushes and he walked towards me,he gave me a high five and I returned it.

Let the show,begin~
LJ said smirking evilly.

I raised an eyebrow as I looked at him,then the silence was broken by screams and loud crashes.

LJ starts laughing and so do I cause his laugh is to contagious.

Okay let's go find that Puppeteer guy now.
LJ said whipping away his tears.

Sounds good,If I only knew where to look!
I said annoyed.

Dude! The Puppeteer must have some sort of hide out!
LJ said angrily.

Wait...I know where he is at but it will take sometime to get there.
I said rubbing the back of my neck slightly.

I don't care how long it takes,I just want to find her!
LJ said annoyed.

Okay okay! Jeez,follow me then..
I said sighing as I started to run.

LJ followed without anymore questions,in the back of my mind I had some doubt about wether or not his hideout is the same as before.

I'll have to pray it is or else LJ is gonna tear my limbs off one by one....and feed it to me.I hope we get to Y/N before the Puppeteer does something to her.

I then remembered hearing something before I passed out completely...what was it...

I got it!!
I said as I came to a complete stop.

What the hell is wrong with you?
LJ said staring at me with a blank expression.

Before I passed out completely I heard him say something.
I said firmly.

Okay,what did he say?
LJ asked raising an eyebrow.

He said "Soon we will be together again my love and this time no one will get in our way"
I stated as I leaned on a tree.

What the hell did he mean by "together again"?
LJ said raising an eyebrow.

I don't know but we need to find her, cause something tells me that the Puppeteer has specific plans for Y/N.

-To be continued-
OMG I feel sorta bad for Jill,No I don't XD

What are the plans The Puppeteer has for our protagonist Y/N

Will LJ and Jeff find Y/N before it's to late?

Find out next chapter


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