Chapter 11

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((Readers pov))

I lifted my face to see who the voice belonged to and Standing before me was non other than Smile Dog.My eyes widened as I was a bit taken back.

Well do you?
He asked me and he sat on the sofa next to me.

Well I don't know,maybe....yes..
I said sighing.

Aww don't worry knowing LJ he wont be gone a whole week...
Smile dog said placing his head on my lap to comfort me.

I hope so....
I mumbled to myself as I gently stroked Smile dogs fur.

Don't worry Y/N I'm here to keep you company,so that way LJ would have peace of mind that you are not alone.
Smile dong said nuzzling his face into my lap.

Oh okay...guess its you and me then buddy.
I said sighing slightly as I continued to stroke his fur.

After a while I got a slight bit bored,I usually don't have this much me time when LJ is around.I'm beginning to miss his teasing and flirting...his little chuckle and his cute sleeping face....UGH SNAP OUT OF IT!!! I can't be in love with him,I just can't! I shake my head and I look at Smile Dog.

Would you like to go for a walk or something? I asked smiling.

That would be fun!
Smile Dog said happily.

Alrighty then,let me go get ready.
I said getting up and walking off.

I walked upstairs and into my room and I searched my closet for something to wear,I picked out a nice white tank top,some black shorts and a pair of sneakers.I got dressed and I brushed my hair,I decided to tie my hair up into a messy bun do to the fact that we were going for a walk.I walked downstairs and over to the door.

Shall we?
I asked opening the door.

Smile Dog got up and ran to the door,he smiled brightly at me as he walked out the door.I giggled and I walked out closing the door behind me,Smile Dog and I began walking side by side along the sidewalk as people walked by amazed and also a slight bit afraid.

He is so well trained! How do you get him to stay by your side?
A nice kid asked smiling brightly.

Actually I didn't train him,because he is a good boy and he didn't need any training.
I replied smiling.

Smile Dog was acting like a normal dog,you know the usual barking and wagging of the tail.The child giggled and asked if he could pet Smile Dog,he shrugged and allowed the child to pet him as he wagged his tail.After a while the child wondered off back to his mom.

Smile Dog and I looked at each other and we then walked off,we continued to walk along the sidewalk until I got an unusual feeling,as if I felt someone was following us.Smile Dog looked at me with the same feeling.

We stopped walking and we looked back at the same time,we saw no one there...that is until Smile Dog looked to the side and he noticed someone leaning on the wall of an abandoned building.I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the person,it appeared to be a male about my age in some sort of white hoodie.

He began walking towards us,I got a bit uneasy and I looked at Smile Dog he seemed annoyed as if he knew the guy.I took a step back and as if i wasn't already on edge,the guy seemed to be focused on me more than Smile Dog.I raiser an eyebrow and I glared at the male as he continued to get closer.

In a blink of an eye I was now pinned against a wall by this male.

((Y/N: Wait a minute,wait a miinuuute! Where the hell did the wall come from?!
Author: Shush,it's called story logic XD))

I was looking at the floor for some strange reason as I was pinned to a wall that was somehow conveniently placed behind me,I looked up at the male and my eyes widened slightly.

Heya cutie~
The male said smirking as he placed his thumb on my chin.

Let her go dumbass!
Smile Dog said growling violently.

Don't get so aggressive with me flea bag! Besides I'm just here to give this tiny delicious looking thing some good news~
The male looked into my eyes as his face was so close to mine.

I looked at him and stayed silent,I think I know him.But I'm not sure.The male then smirked as he continued to look at me as if I was some sort of tasty snack for him to eat,I raised my eyebrow and I gave him an annoyed look.

Do you plan on telling me the so called "good news" or are you gonna keep undressing me with your eyes?
I said with a firm tone as I looked at him with a slight hint of annoyance.

Smile Dog looked at me in amazement as he couldn't help but burst into laughter.

To be continued

Sorry for the late update,I am just dealing with school and me being emotionally exhausted.
I hope you all enjoyed .

I'll try to post as fast as I can,plz be patient with me~

See yah next chapter

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