Chapter 6

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(Reader's POV)

It has been a while and LJ was still asleep as I kept stroking his hair, he then shifts a little and he smiled in his sleep.


Could it be wrong that I find this psychotic clown cute? Coukd I be going crazy?!?

Suddenly LJ opens his eyes slightly and he looks up at me with a sleepy face,he snuggles his face on my stomach once more and just sighs.

I like you better when you are tired~
I quickly coverd my mouth and I just played it cool.

He chuckled lightly and he looked up at me slightly.

I like you better when you ain't complaining~
He said smiling tenderly.

I blush heavily and I look away from him, he noticed this and he chuckled. He then got up and he looked at me and he leaned down making it so his face is inches away from mine.

Is this how its gonna be? You turning into a blushing mess? He said smirking.

N-no! I said annoyed.

Relax, I think its cute~
He said kissing my forehead.

My face turned as red as a tomato and he bursts out laughing, I pout and look at him.

Why are you laughing?! I said pouting.

Nothin; he said smiling.

Wanna watch TV? I said sighing.

Yeah sure;he said nicely.

He layed his head on my stomach again and he looked in the direction of the Tv, I turned on the Tv and I put on Cupcake Wars. LJ nuzzles his head on my stomach and I stroked his hair lightly.

I got a bit hungry... I lightly tapped LJ's shoulder, he got off and I went over to the kitchen. I open the fridge and I grab some yogurt, I walk back over to the sofa and I lay back down. LJ layed his head on my stomach once more.

I take a little bit of yogurt on my spoon and without warning I dabbed it on LJ's lips, he jumped a little and he looked at me. I started to laugh and he just licked his lips.

He said chuckling.

I giggle and I just started to eat some yogurt, he grabbed the spoon and just dabbed it on my cheek. He smirked and I just looked at him blushing.

Really? I bursted out laughing.

He said chuckling.

Hold on let me get a napkin to clean my cheek; I said tapping his shoulder.

Nah I got chu~
He said pulling himself up a bit where his face is close to mine.

He shifted my head to the side and he licked off the yogurt, I tensed up and blushed heavily. His tongue was really cold, he then stopped and looked at me.

There you go~
He said smirking.

Th-thank you... I said lookin to the side.

He lightly kissed my cheek and he laid his head on my chest.

Le coconuts are comfy~
He said nuzzling his head on my chest.

I blush heavily and I softly smack his forehead, LJ smirked and he chuckled.

I'll fix this for you~
He said getting up.

He picked me up and he layed down, he sat me on his lap and he placed one of his arm behind his head. He smirked and just tapped his chest lightly for me to lay down. I blush and I nuzzle my head on his chest.

His warmth made me melt instantly, I place my arms on the side of his body and I sigh heavily. He lightly stroked my hair, he wrapped his muscular arm around me and he made me feel... Safe...

I don't understand how a psychotic serial killing clown can make me feel..... Safe.... but for some strange reason he does..

I then closed my eyes and fell asleep instantly.


Y/N closed her eyes and she fell asleep, LJ noticed and he kept stroking her hair lightly. He turned off the Tv and he looked up at the ceiling.

LJ couldn't understand why did he feel so intrigued by this woman, he couldn't understand why his heart got warm when ever Y/N was his in his arms...

He smiled tenderly and he sighed, he tried to figure out what is it about this woman that has him feeling this way..

Could he be in love with her....? He shakes his head trying to get rid of those thoughts, but the more he thought of it... The more he knew it could be true..

((To be continued))

Omg.... Could he... Could he be in love with you?!

Find out next chapter



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