Chapter 25

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((Puppeteer's POV))

I appeared in front of the Mansion door,I then opened the door slightly and I walked in closing it behind me.

I walk forward slightly in the direction of the kitchen and I heard sniffling,I raised an eyebrow as I looked over only to see Y/N with Emra in her arms.

I felt my heart skip a beat once I saw Y/N hug Emra close to her,she then started to hum softly and Emra slowly stopped crying.

I smiled and I walked over to Y/N and Emra,I place a hand on her shoulder gently as she looked up at me slightly.

Sorry I took so long.
I said placing a gentle kiss on her forehead.

She looked at me confused as to why I did what I did,I sighed slightly when I remembered that I have to patience cause she doesn't remember anything.

Emra backed up and looked up at me as she shyly looked away,I shook my head and I then placed a kiss on her cheek.Emra looked at me as her eyes lit up.

It's been sometime since Emra and I could be close...ever since that day...

We were just about to do some pancakes,want to help?
Y/N said lovingly as she looked at Emra and then at me.

I nod as I rolled up my sleeves slightly,she shook her head as she placed Emra on the counter top.

You better go change,dont wanna get your "work" clothes dirty.
Y/N said raising an eyebrow.

It's fine I don't even ca-
Uh-uh! Go get changed,we will wait.
She cut me off by placing a finger on my lips.

I chuckled lightly as I was defeated by her,I nodded as she removed her finger.I shook my head as I just walked off as I heard Emra giggle in the background.

I went upstairs and I walked along the hallway until I reached the bright purple door,I walked in and I took off my hoodie and I took off my pants.I then put on some shorts and I walk back out the room.

((Y/N's POV))

I stayed with Emra as Puppeteer went to change out of his "work" clothes,she looked up at me and she tilted her head slightly.

What is it?
I asked as I looked at her.

I dunno...I just missed you..and I didn't love me anymore..
Emra said as tears started falling down her cheeks.

I raised an eyebrow as I stared at her blankly,I didn't know what to say..mostly cause I thought I just met her but that flashback says otherwise.

I sighed and I just hugged Emra as she cleaned up her tears slowly,I slowly pat her back trying to calm her down and it apparently worked.
She smiles up at me as I returned her smile.

Okay I'm back,let's do this.
I heard Puppeteer say from behind me.

I turned around slightly and I stared at him blankly as I saw that he was shirtless,he smiled as he gently pinched Emra's nose making her giggle.

He asked as he looked at me with an innocent look.

When I told you to change,I didn't expect this..
I said as I sighed slightly.

Oh shush,you used to love it when I was shirtless.
He said poking my cheek.

I looked at him blankly as he just sighed annoyed.

Let's just concentrate on making these pancakes.
Puppeteer said as he smiled.

Emra nodded as I did the same,I was still confused about that flashback and Puppeteer just made it worst...What am I supposed to remember??

I know it's extremely important to Emra...I shrugged it off as I just focused on making the pancakes with Emra and Puppeteer.

-To be continued-

Would Y/N be able to remember?
How would it affect her life?? And will The Puppeteer treat her better this time?

Find out next chapter

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