Chapter 12

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((Reader's POV))

Wait how did you know?!?
The male said looking at me with a blank expression.

Smile Dog gave the male an angered expression as he looked at him firmly,I know his name...I remember now..

Okay forget about that,I'll tell yah the good news.
The male said shrugging slightly.

Oh goo- buuuuuut I'll only tell you if you call me by my name~
He cut me off and he looked at me with an amused expression.

Jeffrey i don't have time for your games!
I said angrily looking into his eyes.

Jeff looked at me amused and he looked into my eyes as he smirked slightly,he lightly poked the tip of my nose making me flinch a little.

Smart little thing~
He said chuckling lightly.

Can you tell me now?
I asked raising an eyebrow.

Hmm no not yet~
He said looking at me.

Ugh whyyyyyyy?!?! What do you want from me?!?
I asked annoyed.

Oh well since you ask,how's about you give me a little kiss~
Jeff said smirking as he continued to look into my eyes.

Ngh...I-I don't want...
I said whinning.

Oh well maybe I'll just keep the good news to myself~
Jeff said smirking as he backed away slightly.

Wait wait wait okay!!
I said nervously.

Jeff smirked and leaned closer to me once more,cornering me again.I sighed annoyed as I looked at Jeff,he leaned closer and placed his lips on mine.I try pushing him off but he tightened his grip and continued to kiss me.He placed his thumb on my chin opening my mouth and he slipped his tongue into my mouth,I growled annoyed and I decided enough is enough!

I harshly bit down on his tongue causing him to groan in pain and back away quickly.

God damn! Whyyyy?!
Jeff said as he bled from his tongue.

You said a LITTLE kiss!
I said annoyed.

Smile Dog bursted into laughter causing him to fall over,Jeff looked at me and glared.

Tell me the good news,Now!
I said angrily as I crossed my arms.

Fwine! Well dhe goo new is thah I'll beh stawing wih yoh untih LJ geh bah.
Jeff attempted to say as his tongue continued to bleed.

Ehh? I understood absolutely nothing..
I said looking at Jeff with a blank expression.

He said fine,well the good news is that he will be staying with us until LJ gets back.
Smile Dog said annoyed.

Oh goddammit now I feel bad.
I said face palming.

Ih fwine behbeh~
Jeff said semi smirking.

Come on then,let's go take care of that bleeding.
I said placing a hand on his shoulder.

Jeff nodded and we all started to walk back home,I question slightly why he is gonna stay with Smile Dog and I but I just shrugged it off at the moment.The main objective is to stop that bleeding.

We walked for a while until we finally reached my house,I opened the door I ushered Jeff and Smile Dog to walk in,they did so and I followed closing the door behind me.

Smile Dog sweetie you can stay on the sofa watching tv while I tend to Jeffrey's bleeding tongue.
I said turning the tv on and giving Smile Dog a smile.

His Psychotic Smile(LJxReader) Where stories live. Discover now