Chapter 22

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((LJ's POV))

I buried my face on Y/N's as she sobbed,I held her tightly yet gently as I was overcome with so much joy.

I had her back in my arms again...that's the only thing that mattered to me..and now I have her.

She backed away slightly as she looked at me with tears still falling down her cheeks,she gave me a slight smile as she wrapped her arms around my neck.

I gently cleaned her tears off as she giggled slightly,I look at her as I smile.I missed her lovely smile...

You must be very happy to see m-
She cut me off pressing her lips against mine.

My eyes widened at her sudden action as she just held me closely,I smiled into the kiss as I slowly closed my eyes and I placed my hands on her hips.

She gently bit my bottom lip catching me off guard I let out a small whimper as she bit t again,she backed away slowly as I just let out a heavy sigh. have a thing for teasing me don't cha?
I said chuckling slightly.

It's not my fault,it's yours.
She said kissing my forehead.

How is it my fault?
I asked raising an eyebrow.

She giggled as she leaned over and bit my ear causing me to tense up and let out a low growl.

That's why,your reactions are funny.
She said smirking.

I was a bit taken back by her action and words,I've never seen her smirk before and that intrigued me.

I smirked as I leaned over to her ear and I whispered "I think it's time to go home now,we have unfinished business to get back to."

She nodded and she got off my lap,I got up and helped her to get out of the booth.Y/N smiled up at me as I took her hand into mine and we walked off together.

We walked along the sidewalk as I noticed Y/N smiling widely,I chuckled slightly as I admired it.I missed her cute little smile.

After a bit we arrived to her house and I opened the door as I smirked at Y/N,she looked up at me with a smile as she walked in.

I closed the door behind us and I then placed my hands on her hips pulling her closer to me,she giggled and bit her lip slightly as she looked up at me once more.

I gently kissed her forehead before pressing my lips gently against hers as I pulled her closer to deepen the kiss ever so slightly causing Y/N to wrap her arms around my neck.

*Clears his throat* I see the love birds are back at it.
I heard a voice say from behind me causing Y/N to flinch.

I let out a low growl as I pull away from the kiss,I turn around to see Jeff laying on the couch smirking at me.

What the hell are you doing here?
I said glaring at him.

Well im here cause someone needs to speak to you.
He said chuckling lightly.

I just got her baaaaack!
I said whining as I wrap my arms around her.

I pout as Y/N gently stroked my back while she giggled slightly,Jeff straightened up and he looked at me with a straight face.

Dude its not m-
That's it nope! I'm not dealing with this!You gots to go!
I said angrily as I opened the door signaling Jeff to leave.

But nothin,now you can leave on your own pr Ima throw you out.Your choice.
I said as I narrowed my eyes at him.

Y/N patted my shoulder for me to calm down but I was angered at the fact that I got her back and I can't even have one minute to continue where we left off.

He got up and walked out the door as he mumbling annoyed,he then turned back towards me.

Don't get mad when h-
I cut him off by closing the door.

I then looked back at Y/N and I smirked once more,Ive been waiting to have her to myself once more.I felt my self be filled with lust as I thought of what we could do.

I grin slightly as I picked up Y/N and carried her up the stairs,she giggled as I reached her room.I walked in closing the door behind us with my foot carefully so I wouldn't drop her.

I walked over to the bed and gently placed her down,she wrapped her arms around my neck taking me down with her,I smirked as I got in between her legs.

She then gently pressed her lips against mine,she was giving me a slow yet passionate kiss making me want more.

I gently slid my hand down to her thigh giving it a gentle squeeze,Y/N let out a soft moan as she bit my bottom lip gently.

She then lightly pushed me backwards but never breaking the kiss she lays me down and climbs on me.I was slightly shocked but I let it happen.Mainly cause what man would stop this??

I smirked into the kiss as I placed my hands on her hips,she then breaks the kiss and automatically moves over towards my neck kissing it lightly.

Try not to bite me again.
I said chuckling as I tilted my head towards the side giving her more room.

Oh shush,you loved it.
She whispered as she continued to kiss down my neck.

Y/N soon found my sweet spot making me let out a low groan,she then started to suck and nibble on the exact same spot.

I ran my fingers through her hair as I continued to groan softly,I bit my own lip as she sucked slightly harder.

She backed away and gave me a smirk causing shivers to go down my spine,Y/N noticed this and she kissed the tip of my nose reassuring me.

This is weird Im usually the one who needs to reassure her....what the hell happened to my

LJ that's not Y/N!!!!
Jeff bursted open the door.

I looked over at him in confusion and I looked back towards her,she gave me an evil smirk as her eyes turned completely yellow.

I through her...IT off of me as I got up from the bed quickly,it sat up as it looked at me and Jeff with a twisted smile.

Ooh pitty,I didn't get to bite you.
It got up from the bed and transformed into Puppeteer.

My eyes widened as I stared at the male,he chuckled evilly as he stared at me with a smirk on his lips.

What the fuck,didn't I kill you!?
I said angrily as I stared at the male.

Ooh my dear boy,you killed my decoy.Im not as easy to kill.
He said chuckling.

Where is Y/N!!?!?
I asked angrily as he just chuckled.

Tsk Tsk,did you really think I'd let you have her that easily? I'm not dumb.
He said smirking.

Tell me where she is before I kill you for real this time!
I said growling angrily.

My dear Y/N is perfectly fine.Now if you'd excuse me I need to get back to her.Wouldn't want her to worry.
He said disappearing into thin air.

I roughly punched the wall directly next to Jeff causing him to flinch.

How did you not notice before...why didn't I...
I said as I shake my head.

I couldn't believe that I didn't notice sooner...Jeff placed his hand on my shoulder as he sighed gently.

Let's not waist time feeling dumb,we have to find her...
Jeff said as he looked at me with a concern expression.

I sighed heavily as I straightened up and looked at him.

You're right,let's not deal with this dumbass mistake and lets find her...and this time I won't make any mistakes..

-To be continued-
OOOOOOOOH Plot twist~

How did this happen?
Where is Y/N.....?? And will they find her for real next time??

Find out next chapter


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