Chapter 3

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He watched as she took his precious music box, he was quite busy so he didn't want to stop what he was doing.

She can hold on to that until I'm done here;He said laughing.

Y/N ran to her house and she quickly closed the door behind her, she gave out a sigh of relief and she placed her things on the dinner table.

She then looked at the tiny music box and she raised an eyebrow.

She felt something rough at the bottom of the music box, she turned it over and she noticed that it had something written.

Laughing Jack-in-a-box.... Where have I heard that before? She said raising an eyebrow.

She cranked the box and it played her favorite childhood song, Pop goes the weasel. She sang along.

When the box reached home reached its climax the box opened and it was empty, she giggled and she closed up the box.

Its broken but she found it special for some reason, even she didn't understand why she found a broken music box special.

Y/N went upstairs and she took a shower, she then went into her room and she placed the music box on her nightstand.

She lays down and she drifts into sleep...

((Le time skip to morning))

(Reader's POV)

I woke up and I stretched a bit and I got up, I walked over to the bathroom and I brushed my teeth and my face. I then go over to my room and I grab the music box and I walk downstairs and I lay on the sofa.

Dammit.... I'm still sleepy... I said yawning.

I then fell asleep once more while holding the music box close to me.


He finished his business in time and he stretched, he then laughed a bit and sighed.

Welp time to get my music box;he said running off.

He then appeared with a puff of smoke at Y/N's house, he looks around and smiled. He then started looking for his music box.

Where is it?! He said angrily.

Suddenly he realised that Y/N was sleeping on the sofa, he raised an eyebrow and he kneeled down and he brushed a bit of hair out of her face.

He tensed up and he just was a bit taken back, he never expected her to be that good looking. He roughly swallowed and he slowly tried to pull the music box away from her arms.

Suddenly she groans and opens her eyes and sees him, she sat up quickly.

(Reader's POV)

L-Laughing jack!?! I said sitting up quickly.

The one and only;He said standing up.

Am I on drugs!? I said placing a hand on my forehead.

What? Why? He asked confused.

Cause you're not real! I said jumping to the other side of the sofa.

What the.. I am real!!! He said angrily.


OH MY F- IF I WASNT REAL HOW CAN I DO THIS! he reached out his arms and he picked me up.

Okay okay!! Let me down I believe you!!! I said nervously.

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