Chapter 2

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Lauren POV

"Can you keep it down over there?" I said jokingly to Camila as i watched her lean over the edge of the lifeboat.
Nightfall had come quickly and the moon was the only source of light reflecting down on us.
"Your so insensitive!" Camila said quickly before leaning over the side of the boat and vomiting again.
Camila and me had found a storage box filled with all sorts of things like shavers, blankets, water and bland crackers. Camila had been throwing up the crackers due to sea sickness for what seemed like hours.
"You know, even though you look like complete shit right now you still manage to look hot" I said loudly over her sickness. /it was true. And her leaning over the side of the boat gave me a great view of her ass..Not that i was looking or anything..i think.
"Is that a compliment or an insult?" camila asked.
"Compliment i think" i shrugged and walked up to her and held her hair behind her head. "Better?"
"Thanks but i think i got everything out of me"
"Sure smells like you did" i said holding my nose shut even though in reality i couldn't smell anything.
"Shut up!" Camila giggled lightly and playfully hit my arm. She then walked over to her purse and took out Listerine taking a gulp and spitting it over the edge of the lifeboat.
"You brought Listerine to my party?" i questioned.
"Uh yeah..."
"Your so lame" I retorted.
"And your rude" She said, the corner of her mouth only slightly slanting upwards. All of a sudden our boat rocked and she grabbed onto the side. Her face looked pale and i could tell how week she actually was right now.
"Hey, are you..ok?" I tried to sound compassionate and truly ask her about how she was feeling.
"Do i look ok! I'm sea sick on a boat that i can't get off of for the next few days, weeks, or months! And i feel like absolute shit and apparently i look like it too-" Camila said, i quickly cut her off and grabbed her hand.
"Come here" I laid out the blanket on the bottom of the lifeboat and laid on top of it, pulling Camila down next to me.
Our arms were touching while our backs rested on the blanket. I could her her shaky breathing and for some strange reason i wanted her to feel better.
"Look up Camz" i said, pointing up to the dark night sky filled with the brightest stars i had ever seen.
"Woah" Camila looked amazed and i couldn't help but smile. I watched her face and realized how happy she was. Now the stars just dulled in comparison to her smile.
"Thats crazy! We actually found something beautiful in the midst of a mess" Camila said. We both looked up again and just watched the sky.
"So when we get back home we can tell everybody about this and nobody will ever truly no what it's like. Except for you and me" i smiled.
"If we get back"
"Camz, we are getting back. ok?"
She nodded her head.

Camila POV
I'm not sure why Lauren was being so nice to me. And i'm not sure why i felt this connection like i haven't felt with anybody before. Maybe it was because she was all i had right now? I'm not sure but all of a sudden i felt brave.
I cuddled into her side, my head in her neck, my arm slung around her stomach. At first she hesitated but then she pulled me into her side. She was wearing a crew neck and the fabric was warm and smelled like her perfume.
"Lauren..why did you decide to show me the stars and be all nice?"
"Um..i was trying to get you to focus on something other than your sickness. Don't feel too special kiddo, i would of done that to anybody i was stuck on a lifeboat with" She laughed.
I felt a little hurt by her comment but i decided to not say anything. i felt safe for the first time since i got on this stupid lifeboat.
"I didn't want to be rude but i think you have throw up in your hair" Lauren chuckled a bit. i was mortified.
i'm lucky it's night because i could feel warmth creeping into my cheeks and turning my face the color of a tomato.
"Uh..sorry. Um maybe i should clean it. So..." i stuttered a but and Lauren laughed loudly.
"i'm just kidding" Lauren was laughing hysterically and i punched her arm. I sat up and couldn't help but giggle myself.
"You are a terrible person". I said between laughs, I walked away and laid down on the other side of the boat.
"Thanks babe" She smirked.
"Yeah what about it?"
"Nothing" I shrugged and looked at her, taking in her perfect body and those eyes the glistened in the moonlight.
After a while i drifted to sleep, but got jolted awake by the sound of our boat hitting what seemed like a rock.
"Ahh" i let out a little squeal and ran over to Lauren She wrapped her arms around me and i held her tightly.
"Is there anything you aren't scared of?" Lauren asked me. I didn't answer because my head was buried into her neck and hair. It smelled like strawberries.The rocking of our boat eventually stopped and Lauren looked for any damage. I stayed back immediately wanting to fell her warmth against me again.

"OMG CAMZ!!" Lauren screamed.


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