Chapter - 53

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Camila PoV
My eyes opened and I stretched my arm, it was slung over a soft stomach, Lauren's.
"Have a nice nap?" She asked, my eyes saw nothing but darkness and dim lights, a breeze hit me. We must of still been at the concert. I looked around, nobody was here.
"Where did everybody go?" I asked, cuddled in Lauren's side for warmth against the cold night breeze.
"They left", she giggled, "you fell asleep during the fireworks and I didn't want to wake you up".
"So you let us stay here in the dark? It's kind of scary" I grabbed Lauren's shirt fabric in my hand and pulled her close.
"Of course you are scared, it's ok. I won't let anything happen to you, but we better get going anyway" She stood up and held out her hand to help me up.
"Carry me" I said.
"Hell no"
"Baby please, I am tired" I pouted.
"I can't say no to you. Damn it". Lauren scooped me up in her arms, bridal style. I grabbed the blanket and picnic basket, they rested on my stomach as Lauren tried to keep the things and me balanced in her arms.
"I have so much power over you!" I yelled out.
"Oh yeah? I have the power right now to drop you, how does that sound?" She asked. I made a sour expression and she laughed.
"You wouldn't, you are a big teddy bear on the inside. You would never hurt me" I smiled.
"Teddy bear, huh?" She bit her lip, "I guess I can't complain, I'm as cute as a teddy bear so it makes sense".
"Get over yourself" I rolled my eyes playfully.
We finally reached her car and she set me down, throwing the objects in the trunk.
"Alright. Your turn to get in the trunk" She lifted me up again and I held my arms round her neck tightly.
"Dude, no!" I started thrashing in her arms.
"Dude?". She giggled.
"Whatever, put me down! People are going to think you are kidnapping me" I stated.
"Yeah, all of these people are witnesses" She said sarcastically, looking around at the emptiness of the field where we just laid.
"Shut up" I stuck out my tongue.
"Your tongue looks lonely, maybe it wants some company?" She stared at my lips, and set me down, pinning me against the car.
"My tongue likes being alone, sorry no sorry" I licked my bottom lip, ending it with a lip bite.
"It's your turn to shut up" She smirked and kissed my lips, moving them against mine.
She rolled her tongue against my bottom lip, begging for entrance. Unfortunately I was weak, and allowed it. Her tongue was moving in my mouth, exploring every crevasse and corner. My hands moved to her head, where I pulled her mouth closer to mine.
"Mmmmmm" She purred as she rubbed her hands down my side, reaching my ass, her favorite part of me. She gave it a gentle squeeze and smiled against my lips.
"Your obsession with my ass is kind of out of control" I joked.
"Do I look like I care?" She placed kisses on my neck, my skin tingling and tickling with some soft bites.
"Lauren..." I said, it came out sounding like a moan when I really was just trying to get her attention.
"Hmmm, baby?"
"How late is it?" I asked.
"Like..2am" She answered, pulling away from my neck.
"We should head home" I replied.
"Fine, but you are sleeping over at my place" She winked and pulled me into her body, "understand?".
"Okey dokey" I nodded.
"Somehow you saying okey dokey should of killed my mood for sex, but I'm still extremely horny" She opened my door for me.
"Of course you are horny" I said, she closed the door behind me.
She got in the drivers seat and started the car, she started driving home.
"So you liked the concert?" She asked me.
"Yeah! One of the best nights of my life!" I said, thinking about it made me happy.
"Well I can make the night even better" She winked at me and I looked out the window, blushing. She still managed to get me flustered.
"How?" I challenged, "actually don't answer that, if it rhymes with Rex".
"You can read my mind" She put her hand to her heart, "that's just how close we are".
"Anybody in the world knows you are constantly thinking about sex" I responded.
"Not constantly...maybe a ripe 99% of the time?"
I playfully punched her arm, we both laughed. It took us a while to get to her house, but around 2:50 am we pulled into her driveway.
I heard Lauren gasp and run out of the car, and to the curb where her trash cans were and a few cardboard boxes laid. She grabbed two boxes and started walking to the house.
-Lauren PoV-
"What are you doing witht that trash?" Camila walked up behind me and I opened the door, we both entered into the house.
"It's not trash" I said. In my hands were boxes of Chris's things. After he passed away in the car accident we had kept some of his stuff, I had no idea why it was being treated liked garbage.
"Oh" Camila said. I could tell she saw the sharpie writing on the side of the boxes that said, Chris's things.
I set them down in the living room, I the heard footsteps walk onto the same room we were in.
"Glad to see you two made it back ok, we were a little worried" Mr. Vives said.
"Why was this with the trash?" I cut to the point.
"I was cleaning the attic, didn't think it was useful anymore" He said.
"Not useful!" I felt tears threatening my dry eyes, "these are the only things we have left of his! Don't erase these memories".
"I'm sure that wasn't his intention" Camila grabbed my hand, trying to calm me down.
"Lauren, I'm sorry, but maybe you shouldn't hold on to this stuff, it's just going to make you feel sad" Mr. Vives said.
"You didn't know my brother...hell you don't even know me. So don't try to erase him, sorry you aren't walking into a perfect family" I said.
"Lauren, I respect your brother. I'm sorry for almost throwing out his things" He looked concerned.
"I'm not really ready to forgive you" I picked up the boxes and Camila and me walked into my room. I set down the stuff on my bed.
"Your really being hard on him..." She sat on my bed.
"This isn't about him...he almost erased my brother" I opened the box and started to feel my eyes turn wet with tears.
"Your brother won't be erased" she reassured me.
I pulled out his trophies and looked at pictures, everything flooding back to me. I picked up his shirt and clutched it. I suddenly lost it, my body moving with every sob.
Camila walked over to me and wrapped her arms around my body, I dropped the shirt and let myself fall into her arms. I hugged her tightly as I just cried, letting everything out.
"It feels like everytime I start to fell better and cometo terms with his death....I get reminded of him" I said through sobs.
"Lauren, your so strong. And his death might always leave you feeling broken, but I am here. I am here to help you feel less hurt. Trust me when I say things will feel better in time" She wiped away my tears and kissed the places where they used to exist.
"Thank you" I simply said.
"Let's sleep, ok?" She pulled me over to the bed and we laid down, this time I cuddled into her.
"Nobodies ever seen me cry about him before" I admitted.
"Probably because god knows that I am the right person to help you through our pain" She kissed m forehead, I smiled slightly.
"Yes you are, Cabello"
"Plus, god made me extra cuddly so you are in luck. My cuddling is basically god". She said, making my laugh.
"You are the funniest person I know, other than me" I found it hard to stay sad around my silly girlfriend.
"I am pretty funny, you've got that right" She rubbed my back with her hand.
"I'm so tired..sing me a lullaby?" I asked, wiping away my final tears.
"I'll try. Hush little baby don't say a word, momma's gonna bye youa mocking jay" She started to sing.
"It's mocking bird", I giggled, "the rhyme says mocking bird, not mocking jay".
"I said I would try! Sorry I'm not a lullaby expert! When I was a baby if I didn't fall asleep I would get a shoe thrown at me. No llullabys for this tough baby" She pointed to herself.
I felt wrong for not crying longer over my brother, but I couldn't help but laugh. I'm sure my brother would want me to be happy anyway.
"One day you are going to have to tell me more about your childhood" I said, my laughs dying down.
"I was so emabaresing though" She whined.
"Even better" I rested into her side.
She smiled and I snuggled into her. I fell asleep feeling safe, and happy. I never thought that would be possible after my brother died, but I guess anything can happen.

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