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Camila PoV

My doorbell rang and i looked at the clock, 6:00 pm. Lauren was going to hang out with her mom and Mr. Vives today, it couldn't be her.
I rolled out of my bed, my back aching from doing nothing but going on Tumblr and watching TV all day. I stretched out and scampered down the steps towards the door, i opened it.
Lauren was standing there, a huge smile on her face, a single rose in her hand.
"Surprise baby. I'm taking you on a date today" Lauren handed me the rose and kissed my cheek.
"It's about time you do something nice for me" I joked around, "Should i change into something nicer?" I looked down at my jeans and button down shirt.
"No you are fine" She said. I quickly grabbed my old converse, threw them on and yelled to my parents that i was leaving.
"I hope you like where i am taking you, i am nervous as fuck" She laced her fingers with mine and pulled me towards her car.
"As long as you are where we are going, it will be fun" I said as we got into her car.
"Aww you are too sweet" She blew me a kiss and started to drive.
"So are you going to tell me where-" I got cut off.
"Camila Cabello, a surprise is a surprise. You can shoot me the cutest smile in the world and i won't budge. I'm not going to ruin this surprise"
"Baby, why you got to be so mean?" I asked, pouting.
"I'm not falling for that Cabello, but good try. Trying to make me feel guilty" She shook her head, we both giggled as the car roared forward.
The car went on a back road, no houses in sight. I guess this really was a surprise, i had no idea what was going on.
After a while we pulled up to a field and a building, a red helicopter was on the field.
"Lauren, please tell me you didn't pay for a helicopter" I was amazed at the sight.
"Mr. Vives helped me out" She got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out.
"Thanks" I kissed her cheek. "Where are we going?" I asked with excitement.
She gave me a signature glare and i knew to stop asking where we were going. She broke out into a smile and i hugged her.
"I love you" I kissed her cheek.
"Already hugging me and we aren't even there yet" She laughed. "I love you too".
We started walking towards the helicopter and we got inside, the pilot helping us in. We got ready to go, and i eagerly held her hand, excited for where we were going.
And as much as the helicopter reminded me of the island, it also reminded me off how good it felt to leave. I wondered where we were going. The helicopter took off and soon enough we were in the sky.
Lauren PoV
Camila looked out at the ocean underneath of the helicopter, it was pretty but all i could do was watch her amazed face. She kept pointing out things like a giddy child, I held her hand in my lap.
"Lauren, this is so pretty!"
"You are pretty" I said back, putting my free hand on the side of her face, capturing her pink lips with mine. She smiled against the soft kiss and pulled away, i stared into her eyes for a while before she pulled away, blushing.
"Why do you look at me like that? Your eyes are killing me slowly" She turned back to the window.
I just smiled at her, chuckling lightly. The helicopter took a sharp turn and Camila squeezed my hand. I let go of hers and snaked my arm around her back instead, hoping to provide some security. I looked down, there our destination laid surrounded by water. We were at our island, the island we had been stuck on for almost a month.
I wanted to do this, to come back here where our love was made and where it grew. We had been through so much in the past months and i wanted to show her how much i loved her. Yes we kissed and hung out a lot, but this was the verification of our relationship. This island proved my love for her.
I looked over at her face to gauge her reaction, i could only hope that she was happy.
Camila PoV
My heart beat a little faster as i saw the island below the helicopter. We started to descend downwards. For some reason i felt nervous, but at the same time happy. This is where i meet Lauren, it kind of felt like home for me.
The sun was about to set as we got helped off of the helicopter, the pilot said she would wait in the helicopter for us. Lauren took my hand and we started walking towards our old shelter, the path still memorized in my head.
"Do you like it? I have more in store for you later" Lauren said as we walked through the sand.
"I missed it here...and i didn't really realize until now" I took in the scenery around me. I spotted out shelter up ahead, which had deteriorated into nothing but a floor of branches.
"I figured i would bring you back where we started" She brought us over to an area a little bit back off of the water, where we had sat before. We both sat down and stared at the horizon as the sun was close to setting.
"This is bringing back so many memories", i said as she wrapped her arm around me, "like when i had to kill a fish, get the bananas, when you got cut by a jaguar".
"Getting cut by a jaguar was the best thing that has ever happened to me. Like how many people can say that" Lauren said.
"I know right! People will be like "i broke my leg" and then you can just say "Well i got cut by a jaguar so shut up"" I giggled.
"Remember when we watched the sunset? And i told you about my brother" She looked at me and i nodded.
"You opened up to was nice seeing you vulnerable"
"Babe look" She and i both watched the sunset go down. This was amazing, this wasn't just a date. It was so much more, i felt like i had been brought home.
The night had quickly fallen upon us and we walked back to the shelter where Lauren flipped a switch, Lanterns glowed in the midst of the black night. She must have set this up earlier.
"It's great!" I took in the sight. She then clicked her ipod and "Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran came on. She also walked over to a bunch of branches she set up and light the fire with a lighter.
"Can i have this dance?" She stuck out her hand. This was just like the night on the island when we had our own mini prom.
I flew into her arms giving her a hug.
"Or you can hug me" She laughed lightly and i backed away, getting into our dance position. We danced slowly with the song, my eyes gazing into hers.
"The fire is good tonight" I stated as the orange glow radiated off of her face.
"it's so much easier with a lighter" She smiled.
"Lauren, i missed this island. The isolation here is actually one of the best things i can imagine. Just you and me..together. No interruptions" I started to talk, my eyes welling up with tears.
"Baby, don't cry" She said softly.
"I can't help it...this island made you love me"
"I would of loved you no matter just helped us talk to one another" She and i danced slowly in a circle.
"Its beautiful how we found love in such a hopeless place" I quoted a song.
"Don't bring Chris Brown into this" She and i softly laughed. Just being our silly self's as usual.
"Camila, i never truly tell you how i feel..and i don't think i will be able to put our love in words, but i'll try to tell you now. When we came on this island i never thought of dating anybody like you..but then you came into my life. You didn't just save me from dying here..but you saved me from myself. I used to be so close minded and surrounded by people who didn't care..and then you came and loved me with your whole heart" She started to get choked up and i almost lost it.
Seeing Lauren break down was rare, and now she was completely trembling with emotion, telling all of her feelings to me.
"You are my perfect little angel...and i hate being romantic but i fucking love you Camila" She said, a slight smile appearing on her face.
"Leave it to you to swear in a cute speech" I said, but i didn't care. That's what made Lauren, Lauren. "My turn".
"ok" She looked into my eyes as our motions moved together into a slow dance.
"Lauren, i love you equally as much as you love me, maybe more. And i had a crush on you since i saw you in school..and at first i was nervous around you but our relationship became natural. We relied on each other back on the island..and we still do now. And i used to be so scared and nervous and had such a bad perspective on life. You made me live more carefree, and you've changed me for the better" I started to cry and she brought me into her body, where my head nestled into her neck.
"Shhh baby, it's ok" She started to get teary too and there we were, just like back on the island, holding each other like we were all we had in this world.
All of a sudden i felt rain drops fall down on us, a light drizzle continuing.
"Oh no" I said. "We are going to get wet".
"We have been through much worse" She put both hands on either side of my face and i held her arms with my hands. Our foreheads were close to touching.
"That's a very valid point" I grinned, only a few raindrops slowly falling upon us.
"I'm so glad i met you, Camila" She stated, "i hate repeating this because i don't want it to get insincere, but i love you".
"I love you too" I leaned in and our lips connected. The kiss was passionate, but not rushed or forceful.
This all felt perfect, like home to me. Our relationship seemed to all reflect on this day. When we had each other, we were isolated from the world. And then it dawned on me, this island felt like home, my house felt like home, but there was only one real place that felt like home to me. And that is in Lauren's arms, embraced in her love.
Credits: 5hfanfiction
written By: Invisible Writer


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