|Shot 38| • Rooftop • |Stenbrough|

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They're 15 here

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I was sound asleep in my bed when I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing. I sat up slowly and rubbed the tiredness from my eyes. I climbed out of bed and picked the phone up and held it lazily to my ear.

"Hello?" I answered groggily.

"Hey, Bill" a mournful voice said softly.

"Stan?" I perked up. "What's wrong?"

"I, um..." he said shakily, trailing off.

"C-Come over, Stan. You can t-talk to me"

"I'll be there soon...thanks, Bill"

I hung up the phone and waited for him. A few minutes later I heard a soft knock on my window. I walked over and pulled up the cold glass to reveal a disheveled Stan kneeling at my windowsill.

"Hey, Bill" he smiled weakly.

"Hey, Stan. What's up?" I smiled comfortingly.

"I need to tell you something" he said quietly.

"My parents are sleeping. Wanna talk on the roof?"

He nodded, and I took his hand and led him to the window where I climbed out onto the roof and pulled him with. He intertwined our fingers and I led him to the top. The view from my house, admittedly, is incredible. But as I looked beside me, I found a view infinitely more beautiful.

I sat down and he sat right beside me, close enough that our legs brushed each other. He scooted closer and I held his hand as we watched the twinkling stars.

"What's wrong, Stanny?" I asked tenderly.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck and I rested my head on top of his.

"My dad found out" he mumbled.

I tensed up. We've been keeping our relationship secret for months because our dads disapproved. That, and Derry is full of assholes. Thankfully, of course, we had the unconditional love and support of the Losers, but it would be so much easier if our parents let us be in love like we are.

"I-I...I'm sorry, Stan...what do you want to do?"

"I just want to sit here with you, forever" he replied mournfully, burying his face further into my neck as I held him tighter.

"Does he...want us to break up?" I asked cautiously, although I knew the answer.

"I'll never break up with you" he answered softly, but sternly.

"Me neither" I whispered. "I love you, Stan"

"I love you, Bill"

I planted a soft kiss on his lips before I tasted the bittersweet salt of his tears, and mine. It broke my heart whenever Stan cried, especially now. I pulled away and cupped his face in my hands. I brushed my fingers across the scars along each side of his face.

The scars had healed over time, but they still remained prominent on his tender skin. A reminder of our ghastly and harrowing childhood, yet also a symbol of our triumphs and jovial moments.

"Stan, look at me" I said gently as I wiped away his tears with my thumb.

He slowly brought his soft caramel eyes up to mine and searched them, waiting patiently for me to speak. I smiled comfortingly at him. I held my everything in my hands, I wasn't going to let anyone take him away from me.

No one could come between us.

"We can get through this, Stanny. We've been through worse. I love you too much to let a few assholes try and get between us, even if they are our parents. Nothing is going to keep me from loving you, nothing is going to keep me from you. I love you, and you love me. That's good enough for me"

Not one stutter. Stan was changing me for the better. He makes me better every day.

"You're my soulmate, Stan. Nothing can change that"

He grinned through his tears, flashing the perfect indents in his cheeks. I wiped away the rest of his tears and he leaned forward and kissed my lips.

"I love you so much, Bill. You're my soulmate too. I know we can get through this no matter what"

"I'm right here, Stan. I'm not going anywhere"

"Good. Because I'm not either. I don't ever want to be without you"

"Me neither, Stan. You're my home"

I kissed his soft lips again before he snuggled into my side and gazed at the stars with me. Our fingers intertwined, I held him close as he buried his head in the crook of my neck and I laid my head on top of his contently.

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Can I just say thank you guys for making me smile? I literally look forward to writing all day and I'm just so stressed and tired from school but you guys make me happy. So thank you ♥♥ ~Jae👑

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