Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Coco characters or the movie. I only own my story, my characters which are Alvarez family Sabrina included. Basically, any characters that are obviously not from the movie. If you haven't seen the movie then I guess go watch it if you'd like. Its a really cute movie!

Notes: If anyone would like to request anything please add in the comments. I encourage you to leave any comments good or critiques. Just remember guys I am human. I make mistakes. Especially grammar. I really try my best but things sometimes slip past me. As you read I may be adding updates to previous chapters. Maybe adding in extra details I missed.

Anyways hope you are enjoying the story!
- Itsoknottobeperf

Imelda knew the sound of this story. Although it wasn't quite like her's she understood why Sabrina was overreacting. However, her overreaction was towards her grandson. Well, plus two generations, he was family. She spoke in a stern voice "everyone back to what they were doing before. Rosita goes after the girl. Coax her to go to the shop so she doesn't get killed." With that everyone scrammed. Staying put herself she glanced at Miguel. "Miguel," she started. Miguel growled "please. Mama Imelda! I didn-" She hated being interrupted so she cut him off "I wasn't finished." She responded loudly and coldly. "I don't care if you didn't what you may have said. You don't understand the insecurity behind those words you said. Whatever trust. Respect. Love. You had that girl is now crumbled. You may have started to say 'but anyone would have that reaction. I needed time.' It doesn't matter. You crossed a very solid line." She glared at him. Her critical eyes now harshly watching him.

"But Mama Imelda I am not ready for a child yet." Imelda shook her head "no mi'jo you are the same age Hector was when he found out I was pregnant. Of course, we were married." Miguel sat down "but that was back then. We are in modern times. Well, I am. It's weird now." Imelda glanced at him. "Listen you will in time understand. Right now our main focus is to get you home. Whether you two are quarreling or not. We only have until tomorrow night to get the two of you back. You have already caused our family a disturbance by us having to find Alonzo Alvarez."

Miguel snapped "oh well if it's such a disturbance maybe I will just run away to the forgotten." Hector got involved "that's not what she meant mi'jo you are taking everything so personal." He replied calmly but was easily talked over by Miguel. "At least I won't be a disturbance!" He snarled as he began walking out hurriedly "Miguel!" Imelda called after him! "You come back! Miguel Come back! Ay not again! These teenagers are so emotional and moody! I can't take this." She exhaled loudly watching the form of her grandson storming off. "We need to go after them. Get her to her ancestors and get this cleared up. The faster the better."

Hector agreed "indeed. But what if they go back and we don't get to see our great-great-great-grandchild? Imelda, I know this feels like this was you but we must think of these kids' future." Imelda didn't want to remember being left alone. Her husband gone. How she felt when he never came. She remembered what happened to Hector years ago when he was to face the Final Death. The way he was forgotten by. What if Sabrina condemned Miguel to such. All because they fought and left each other.

Sabrina wandered the streets many seeing her and stared some good some bad looks. For most, she was looked at with good looks wondering if maybe there was a glimmer of hope to see their families. Some bad because of what happened 5 years ago. As she was about to be completely lost Rosita, the most cheerful of the Rivera family all dressed in pink, found her "ah! Sabrina? Right?" Sabrina turned around making an ugh sound. "I am not going to make up with him. That loco Miguelito can come find me to apologize instead of sending his family to me." Rosita spoke "Miguel didn't send me. Mama Imelda did. Sabrina...I know you are emotional and well hormonal but you can't wander the streets. They are dangerous. You only have so much time before you can be sent back home. You don't have to see Miguel. In fact, I will take you somewhere safe and away from him." She declared in an almost singsong, cheery high pitched voice. Sabrina looked at the kind lady-skeleton. She had nowhere to go. She didn't know where he family was.

How could she possibly find them? "Fine. As long as Miguel stays far away from me I will come back. I don't need any more hurtful words from him." She let the cheerful skeleton lead her down the 4 blocks she walked. "We should get you some shoes before those heels break." Rosita noticed her heels seeing very little support in the actual heel. "How do you walk in those? They must be uncomfortable." Sabrina shrugged "they are alright. Not the best or worst. They are good dancing shoes and are sultry." Sabrina responded.

"Ah, those would never be comfortable for me. However, they are stunning. Maybe Mama Imelda can get you some shoes that are sultry yet comfy." Sabrina cracked a small smile "if she can do that color me shocked." Rosita giggled "don't challenge her or you will most certainly lose." Sabrina giggled. She liked Rosita. "So Mama Imelda must be the rock for this family." Rosita nodded and praised "oh yes. Mama Imelda is known for her whole shoe company. It's the best in town. She is the strongest and has all the answers." Rosita was proud to represent her family.

Sabrina sighed "I wish I could meet your family and you under different circumstances." Rosita shrugged "perhaps there's a reason you are here. Sooner or later we will find out won't we?"

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