Chapter 9

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At long last here is another update! I hope you all like it and can forgive my dilly dally on the updates! Happy New Year to all! Please vote/comment! I'd love to hear from you all!
- Itsoknottobeperf :)

Sabrina got to a large group of people or in her case skeletons. All the girls. Like a girl group that was hopelessly trying to dance and sing. She saw a military group Then a few police. She thought of an idea that would one: show Miguel up. Two: be fun to do. Glancing at Héctor she inquired  "is this crowd filled with older people or.." Héctor chuckled sadly "your generation. It's typically your age group because lately a lot of yours and Miguel's generation has passed away." Sabrina nodded as she replied solemnly "by drug overdoses and stupid choices being made more than likely." Sabrina bit her bottom lip as she looked over to the girl group then made up her mind. Quickly she walked over to the girl group who was chatting in the corner.

They all looked up and gasped at her Sabrina smiled sweetly at them "I know weird that I'm here. So uh, I see you look like you're going on huh?" The leader came forward. She had bright red paintings that resembled she was a tough one in the world. "Whatsit to ya if we go on or not? Look chicka we got our turn coming up and you're making my girls lose focus!" Sabrina took in what she was saying "well your girls seem a little lost. I noticed their confused faces while you were practicing. What if I told you I could help you and help you win the contest?" The girl looked at Sabrina then at the girls behind her. Seeing they were still clueless the girl spoke "fine but if we lose, there'll be hell to pay." Sabrina smirked, "it'll be fine." The girl sighed as she let Sabrina in. They worked for 20 minutes before they were called onto the stage. They went up and stood in their spots. The tough Latina began singing and Sabrina and the girls in the back began to do a dance before walking out into the crowd.

Imelda watched the dance and surprisingly liked it. Victoria noticed Imelda slightly moving to the beat. Héctor smirked at her "you like the music?" Imelda muttered "no. Just looking for Miguel."

Just as Sabrina knew she saw the boy she was looking for as they finished. He was lurking in the shadows. When the girls walked into the crowd she walked over to him knowing exactly what he liked. Smirking she lightly ran her hand through his hair. Hypnotizing him, Migues knew what she was up to and his mind said no but his body followed her as she spun around bringing him into the center. The family stood watching as she danced with him in a sultry but still respectful to the older generation kind of way. Pulling away she winked as she went onto the stage. Finishing with the group. Once finished she walked down seeing him.

Miguel bit his bottom lip as he spoke: "let's go talk." Sabrina looked up at him "no. I want to get home to Miguel. I want this baby gone—" "gone? What do you mean?" "Miguel, I can't have a baby with a man that won't stand by me. It's best. For us both." The Rivera family walked over as Miguel spat "you can't do that! It's my child too! You can't make a decision like that without talking to me." Sabrina looked at him "Miguel, don't fight me on this. You don't even want it." Imelda looked between the two as Sabrina moved "let's go. We need to find my ancestors and finish this." Sabrina looked away moving along. Miguel glared at her "Sabrina! Get back here and let me finish what I was saying in the very beginning!"

Sabrina rolled her eyes then Miguel fumed and ran up onto the stage taking the mic and snapped "you're right! I'm exactly like my papa Hector, Sabrina. I'm reckless, careless, silly and sometimes downright stupid. I don't say everything correctly but I have a big heart. Here's what I was saying. Yes, I would have run off. I would have run and not looked back but that's not because of you. Because I am scared. But then I would have realized, and I have that I love you. I will move heaven and earth, mountains and valleys for you. There's a lot in this life that I don't know and I don't understand. But you, me, us together I understand that. I understand love is not always easy. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes love is sacrificing things you want for someone else. For someone else's happiness than your own. I'm not perfect, and I don't claim to be. I say things when I'm mad and I do things that aren't always right. But loving you Sabrina is one of the few things I've done right in this life. We get one life on earth. That one life I wanna live with you. I want to live here one day when we die with you."

Sabrina watched him and spoke "how do I know what's true and what isn't. You never even told your family about us. I told mine and have nearly been disowned for being with you. I will for sure be when I get home." "Do you care though?" Miguel asked as he got off the stage walking toward her. "Your life has always been difficult Sabrina. You've been hurt in the past like no other by your family. Your family, I don't mean to be rude but your family isn't like any other family. You're ignored, you're the one hurting. You're the black sheep of the family. They don't announce to you like they announce Maria. You're kept in hiding of that family. All because of a decision you made when you were young. Probably the hardest decision you ever had to make in your life. Yet your family blames your mama's death on you when all you did was try and save her. Letting her go when she asked you to."

Sabrina sniffled "you promised Miguel you'd never bring that up." Miguel handed the mic to someone else and walked over to her wiping her tears away. "I just want you to see the pain that you have when with your family. You deserved to be praised before Maria. You deserve the world. You have pain in your eyes after coming back from your family. The only one who I see supports you is your Abuelita. She's fading Sabrina when she's gone who will be there for you then?" Sabrina looked at him her eyes filled with tears. "I was hoping it would be you. That's why I've been pressuring you about your familia. I don't want to be with my family Miguel. I've been waiting for you to rescue me and you just haven't seen it. You never would have either."

Miguel stood there and sighed as he dug into his pocket and handed her a box. "What is this?" Miguel bit his bottom lip "I haven't told them because I haven't done something first." He gently lifted the box showing her a ring. It was a promise ring set. "I haven't promised you that no matter what my family thought, I'd stand by you. I didn't promise that I would defend you even though they might say harsh things to us and possibly disown me too. I haven't promised to wipe away every tear, or kiss the pain away. I wanted to do it tonight before it was crashed by our families."

Imelda gasped watching them. Rosita smiled getting teary-eyed. Hector smiled as he watched the couple. Hector spoke "I hate to break this up chamco but time is ticking. We have to find her family before sunrise." Miguel sighed and looked at Sabrina "this isn't over." Sabrina watched him with a soft look and nodded. Miguel ran his hand over her cheek "but I do love you. I do want this child. I want you." Sabrina felt a tear roll down her cheek and she wiped it away then took his hand. "I love you too." Miguel nuzzled into her with a smile, "let's find your family and get going."

With that they were off to search for her family.

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