.Chapter 1.

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Midoriya's P.O.V
I dropped by bag in a corner of my room after I arrived home from school.
"Izuku dear, would you like a snack?" My mom asked/yelled from the kitchen.
"No mom." I breathe trying not to let the strain in voice sound.
'Okay' I say to myself as I began my routine. I cleared my mind and refused to let the rage boiling with come up to the surface. I took deep breaths and tried to think of other calming thoughts but no, Thoughts of Kaacha- no - Bakugou bullying me, Iida's nagging and every infuriating thing on this damn planet (Aizawa)came back giving me headache.
I decided to leave the house for a walk before I did something very stupid. I felt hot and so irritable. Any little thing at the moment could make me snap.
I had to stop somewhere in the woods just to calm down. I laid on the grass and stared at the sky. It was so blue and the clouds seemed to dance around like sheep.
I guess I fell asleep after calming down because when I woke up it was already a little after dusk and was very quiet. It took awhile to get up but I finally got up and headed home.
"I guess I got through that near disaster." I said as headed home. "Man. Mom is going to be worried. She's one of the only things I treasure." I mumble to myself.
I bumped into a figure on my way home. Although it was getting dark I could easily make out her features. She was very beautiful. She had golden eyes that matched perfectly with her hair. She looked like a fox only golden.
Before I could say anything she ran off but no way was I gonna let her go.
The girl continued to giggle when she noticed I was following her. She stopped at a familiar but very dark alleyway.
"Um... I don't think your supposed to be here." I said after I caught up to her.
She didn't reply but she was still smiling.
"A-are you lo-" A hand grabbed me and dragged me down an all to familiar dark portal. That's when it hit me what situation I was in. The last thing I remember was looking up to those eyes. They held pity.

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