:Chapter 7:

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Third person P.O.V.
Aizawa, Endeavor and All Might stood outside Recovery Girl's office. She did not allow them to come in because of the noise they would cause eventually distracting her from her work. Midoriya was sleeping with Inko at his bedside. All Might was very concerned about Midoriya and pacing back and forth.

"Normally I wouldn't care but since you're you I'm curious , why did you show up?" Aizawa asked Endeavor.

"Why would I need to explain myself to you? I'm a hero after all." Endeavor scoffed.

"Don't screw with me. You only take on jobs when it's 'worth' of your time." Aizawa smirked. "Oh~ it's Shoto isn't it? Papa bear is being protective of his son! This is priceless."

"Papa bear will burn your ass!" Endeavor growled.

All Might groaned inwardly as Recovery Girl came out of the infirmary and She looked very grim. She took a few steps before sighing and turning to All Might. A large baseless screen appeared infront of the three pro-heroes.
"Although I can assure you the boy inside my office is in fact Izuku Midoriya..." The screen showed multiple digrams and charts of his body. "His body as a whole as been clearly been tampered with. In a way He is no longer human but he works as one. As it would seem his body limits are being suppressed by the collar you found around his neck and I suggest we keep it there. As for his features on both inside and out I have to further examine him as to know exactly what these Villians did to him. I will need extra assistance on keeping an eye on him and with that I'll take my leave."

All Might was silent his famous smile no where near evident on his face.
''Not Human?'' His voice shook with anger.

"What did those Villians do to you Izuku?" Aizawa whispered.
Endeavor stood silently as he really did not know the boy well enough to feel any particularly strong emotions but his mind then drifted to his son.
'Shoto doesn't normally give a damn about anything but this kid..."

"I would be lying if I said this isn't bothering me but All Might he has his own quirk now." She said after taking a few steps. "I'll let you see him after he get's enough rest. Inko isn't going anywhere soon. Tell the students I said to keep it down."

"Tell the students to keep it--?"Endeavor was interrupted by a loud collection of feet heard rushing down the hall.

The class of 1-A could be seen approaching the Pro-heroes at light speed not a single classmate missing. They all stopped as All-Might blocked their way.

"I-is it true kerro "
"Is Deku really here? "
"How is he?"
"That Damn Nerd! Where is he?"
"What is my old man doing here?"

"Be quiet." All Might's voice was almost demanding. It was a tone they had never heard. He sighed after taking note of his harsh behaviour.
"Young Midoriya will be fine and will join the class as soon as possible."

"But sir How soon?" Iida asked.
"Soon enough now all of you may leave." Aizawa stepped in.

His demand left no space for an argument. Even Bakugou left without a fight. One by one the left with Todoroki giving one last glance back at the heroes.

"Ugh they're gone." All Might deflated into his skeleton-like form before sinking into a chair.

"So what are we going to do? Not human means he could be a threat and what's really bugging me is that collar. The League of Villians are planning something and they are definitely going to use the boy." Endeavor thought aloud.

"Well the best thing to do is keep our eyes on him as Recovery Girl suggested. I can't he still alive. Why anyone who was tortured as bad as that should be dead.
He's going to want to keep to himself, not knowing a friendly smile for so long. I can't imagine the Hell he's been through." Aizawa said.

"Reclusive huh?" Toshinori sighed. "Do you think he lost his memories?"

"No. I'm sure he knows where he is."
Aizawa replied.

"He'll stay with his mother with a professional hero patrolling by once in a while to reduce suspicion. I can't imagine why but he has such a .... dark aura around him. So much hate and a-anger those DAMNNED Villians!" Toshinori broke down.

Endeavor tried to comfort him rivalry aside , this boy was like a son to him but Aizawa held him back shaking his head. They could only watch as his tears of anger and sorrow turned to happiness.

"But we have him back." He said, his hand over his mouth but the two men heard him clearly.

In the next room crimson eyes were near the verge of tears. Why did he feel like this both of his sides, both Insanity and Sanity were uncertain anymore. He moved his hand through his sleeping mother's forest green hair to take his mind off what he was hearing. His other hand gripped a pile of cloth from the bed.
A small woman pat his back and smiled. "You'll be certain in time but right now I'll let them in."

"Recovery Girl?" His frightening multi-toned voice had reduced to a still scary but understanding volume. "You didn't tell them everything."

"If I did that might change somethings so for now I advise you to keep your voice down as so and as I said I'm calling them in now."

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