{Chapter 5 }

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Third Person P.O.V.
Shigaraki walked into the room only to be met by the broken boy who was constantly changing features non-stop and without control. He entered the room with a black and silver collar of which he put on the boy ,who then stopped all sounds.
Midoriya felt his grasp on reality return to him before gasping in relief. The man then removed the buckles of the straight jacket the boy was in ,much to his surprise.
When Midoriya was free he looked at Tomura like he crazy which made him chuckle considering the situation.

"Why did you-"
"Just follow me." Tomura ordered. Leaving no room for reply.

Midoriya followed Shigaraki down a flight of stairs which led to an in-built arena. He tried hard not to smile at Toga who was next to Dabi and Kurogiri. Another person was there but his face especially couldn't be seen.

"Now that we're all here let's begin." Tomura said.

All of them except Midoriya walked to the edge of the arena. For a moment it was quiet until he realized what he was about to do.


The ground shook as three particularly large Nomu charged at the boy who was shocked at the least.
It looked like the boy wouldn't stand a chance until Shigaraki sighed and pressed a button which immediately reacted with the collar.

After a moment Midoriya's appearance changed all too quickly which. Two black horns shot out of their stubs which were formally well covered by his hair looking almost as threateningly sharp as his fangs.
He let out a yell that sounded very demonic .

Tomura and the unknown man seemed to smirk as Midoriya proceeded tear every single one the nomu down without a second thought. After he was done his eyes searched for another target his eyes falling on the league of Villians.

Midoriya ran towards the group at full speed. Shigaraki was about to press another button on his remote but was stopped by the man beside him.

The man stood up and made his way towards the oncoming boy. The boy lunged at the man only for his hand to be caught in the man's grip. Midoriya swung his leg to collide with the back of the man's head making him let go of Midoriya. Swiftly he used One for All which had taken a distorted purple shade to trip the man.
Midoriya was now over him pinning both the man's hands down ready to use his fangs to rip his throat out.

The man then began to chuckle. "My My, Tomura you've really out done yourself. If I didn't know any better I'd think he was made to kill me." He was very pleased.
Midoriya felt himself floating away from the man as he got up and dusted his suit.
"I'd say he's ready but what do you think Tomura?"
"I detected a sense of caution from him before giving into his blood lust and I wonder why?" His eyes met Toga's who looked away immediately.

"Toga come foward." She looked at him questioningly before complying.
"Midoriya kill her." Shigaraki's voice echoed.

A look of shock spread through his face as realised what he been asked to do. He looked at Tomura then at Toga.
"Why are you hesitating?"

Tomura only increased Midoriya's want for blood even more but still Midoriya continued to hesitate. Gripping his hair and thrashing around.

"Toga you've been visiting him even though I told you not too, this is why. This has proven to be a flaw so just hope I don't force him to kill you for disobeying me." Tomura stated harshly.

Shigaraki let the boy's mind go as his foreign features minimized. The boy collapsed in pain Toga catching him before he hit the ground.
"Sensei shall we put this plan into action?"

"Why of course."All for One smiled.

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