*Chapter 2*

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Third Person P.O.V.
"Great work Toga." Tomura said.
He was pleased to finally have the successor to One for All In his hands.

"Are you sure about this Shigaraki?" Dabi asked holding the unconscious boy. A look of pity was evident on face. 'This guy is in for a lot of pain.' He thought.
"Don't worry about it. By the time I'm done with him, he won't feel a thing." He said as he took the boy into his arms. "Not a thing."

Midoriya's P.O.V.
I woke up with a burst on energy and the sight of Shigaraki with a needle. My arm stung so I'm sure thats where he stuck it in.
I was captured by the league of Villians. That much I knew the problem was why wasn't I dead yet.
"Nice to see you're awake." Shigaraki beamed.
"What the hell do want with me?"
"Well actually you're going to join the League of Villians." That wasn't an offer.
"Like Hell I will. I'm not joining the scum of the Earth." I spat on his face.
"Well someone's not happy." He seethed. Great I made him angry. His mood immediately changed. "All the better."
He pulled a cart with a tray of tools, syringes and chemicals. He also tightened the straps around my limbs making it impossible to move. His eyes were brimming with excitement.
"Make sure to scream for me okay?"
I didn't give him the satisfaction of answering making him growl. I felt cold metal brush against my foot before I felt my toes snap.
I stifled my scream.
"Are you trying to act brave hero?" He snapped another then another. I yelled for him stop. I screamed and tried make him stop but my quirk only back fired. Attacking me with as much force I tried to use to escape.
"What's the matter hero? I'm having fun aren't you?" He joked sadisticly.
He randomly stopped after hours of this torture. I couldn't even feel relieved. There was so much pain.
"So what do you think of our little playdate? See you tomorrow." He said after injecting me with a gray liquid.
It felt like I was burning in hell. Everything hurts.

Shiragaki's P.O.V.
He looked absolutely broken. Nothing but an empty shell for me to to mold and his rage! That will just drive him deeper into god knows where.
He is perfect and so durable. No one i tortured has lasted past the first week.
I wonder how long he'll last.
"You look happy." Kurogiri said to me as I exited the room.
"Yeah... I guess I am."
He was cleaning the cups as usual. The bar was quiet as usual.
Man! Everything was so boring.
I almost went right back to torture the boy.

"Oh no..." I groaned.
"Shigaraki~ Can I go see him?!" Toga burst through the door with an unusual lovesick face. The only thing stopping her from trampling over me was Dabi holding the collar of her cardigan.
"No. You are not to enter that room until I'm done with him." She can NOT ruin this for me. "And that goes for all of you."

"Hmph" she pouted.
"Wow, someone likes his new toy." Dabi commented sarcastically.
"Just shut up. Go fucking do something. I don't care what and behave Sensei is coming over."
"You could have told us that earlier." Kurogiri complained.
"Well Sensei comes whenever he wants to. When do you think I found out."

Third Person P.O.V.

Shigaraki walked back to the lab after a while in the bar. He chuckled as he saw the boy he was torturing earlier already asleep. The green haired boy was exhausted from screaming and the pain.
He grabbed a few syringes each filled with a different colored bubbly liquid.
"Oh hero~" he jabbed a needle carelessly into the boy's neck. "You can't sleep now. I have to fix you." He sighed. "But not before I break you."
The boy didn't wake up.

Midoriya's P.O.V.
It was very dark. I wonder if I'm blind now or am I dead? I hear a shift beside me followed by a chuckle.
"Oh you're not dead. trust me." A boy stepped out of the darkness and into my line of sight.
He was a mirror image of me but he had curly dark purple hair and red eyes. He was wearing a black vest over a white formal shirt and wearing black pants followed by black shoes. He also wore fingerless black gloves.
Everything about him yelled 'Villian!' but his expression said otherwise he seemed upset.
"You are right. I am upset." I took me a moment to realise where I was. "Yes, this is your mind."
"A-are you me?" I never thought I'd ask such a question.
He gave it some thought. Before he answered.
" In a way yes. But then again no. I am Yamikumo. The second side to you that has been lingering around since you always try to push me away."
"Push you away?" I asked.
"I am your rage and also in a way your quirk." He sighed.
"M-my quirk? No, you're lying!"
"No. I assure you I'm not. The name of my quirk is Devil's Rage. I couldn't manifest because you refuse to get angry." He sat down and looked at me with pity.

"You've met with a horrible fate, haven't you?" He smirked.

"Stop. The heroes -no- my friends will  come and save me."
"Way too naive, that's what you are Sanity but by all means when you've realise who's who and what's what give me a call. Know that I'm here for you."
"They'll come."
"We'll see about that. Bye now~"

"Hey wake up." Someone kicked my stomach as I woke up to terrible reality. I opened an eye to see Shigaraki fuming.
"You bastard I knew you weren't dead. That would have just spoiled my mood knowing you were so weak."
My body hurts all over.
'Please come and rescue me."

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