#Chapter 8#

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Third Person P.O.V.
To say All Might was shaken was an understatement. He couldn't seem to feel the once friendly and hopeful aura that was once around the boy he was walking with. He still felt like the boy wasn't even there only a cloud of dark emotions.

The first time he saw Midoriya awake, he was using his hand as a brush for Inko who was then sleeping on his lap. Apparently she cried her self to an exhausting stage after seeing him, like that but still happy he was now 'safe'. A faint smile played on his lips but this was so unfamiliar to his face.
His hair was now a tone of dark purple with flecks of red. No, it didn't make any sense.

He looked up to face the three stunned heroes, his blood red eyes were void of any emotion. His hand stopped and he looked back down at his mother.
"Her hair is longer...." His distorted voice said. Aizawa couldn't say anything nor could Endeavor. 'Just what did this boy have to go through' they both thought.

No, Toshinori could not take it anymore. He hugged Izuku although the boy didn't hug him back.
"I'm so sorry." He cried. "I'm sorry I couldn't find - couldn't save you!" His tears were genuine anyone in the room could tell but Izuku...

"I know."

This brings us back to the present. Two days later All Might was escorting his successor to his class were Aizawa was explaining a couple of things to them before they could come in contact with Midoriya.
The class was mortified during the entire discussion on what was going on.

"But sir this is still Midoriya we're still talking about right?" Todoroki asked.

"I assure this is Midoriya but just... be calm around him." He yawned.

"Yes sir." The class echoed.

All Might and Izuku were already right outside the class. The boy's face was still void of any emotion but still he felt a pang of nostalgia.

"Do you guys feel that?" Uraraka's voice could be heard from inside the class.

"Is it me or do you guys feel kind of spooked in here?" Ejiro's voice said.
Midoriya could sense sudden movements. He looked up to All Might.

"Their in battle positions?" It sounded more like a statement than a question due to his voice but All Might knew which one it was.

"Why yes young Midoriya!"He replied with his original charismatic tone. "They don't really don't want to fight you but -"

Midoriya opened the door and walked in the class not really allowing All Might to finish his sentence. Turning his head to face Katsuki whose expression shifted from anger to confusion to fear?

Izuku mentally smirked it was definitely fear.

"D-deku?" Katsuki was shocked and so was the rest of the class.

He nodded in response. 'How this the same person' the class thought as Midoriya walked towards his seat as if everything was okay. He personally wished they would stop looking at him but in this case that was too much to ask.

Before he knew it his classmates were in front of him apologizing and/or telling him how they missed him.
He felt happy? No that was only how he felt with Toga. What was she doing at the moment?

"Hey Izuku!" Kirishima yelled. The confused class looked at their classmate. He blinked.

"Uh... Deku are you okay?" Uraraka asked.

"Are you kidding no one could be fine after that!" Mineta said. "And by the way Midoriya what's the contact's and hair ? Did you dye it and oh~ what's with the collar?" Mina punched Mineta. Obviously it wasn't contacts nor hair dye.
"Freaking perv." Mina hissed.

"Haha please ignore him." Tooru laughed awkwardly. She stopped when she saw no sign of emotion on Izuku's face. It was like he didn't care.

While all of them were having their little reunion. All Might shared a concerned look with Aizawa.

"*ahem* I would appreciate if all of you would return to your seats. Class rep what do we have on today's agenda." Aizawa asked trying to divert attention away from Midoriya.

"Sir we have the mock Q.A.T. duels today." Aizawa and All Might facepalmed as the class turned to Midoriya. He somehow sunk lower into his seat.

"Okay fine go change into you're hero costumes." Midoriya mentally groaned at this. He found that his costume was to fit his old persona.

The class erupted in either 'woo-hoo's or unenthusiastic sounds. Aizawa and All Might smiled, the class had suddenly bounced back to the way they once were.

"I guess this is for the best." Aizawa said as the class rushed out with their costumes.

All Might tilted his head to look at the costume cabinets. Midoriya was standing there looking at something.

"What's wrong young Midoriya?" He walked up to Izuku to see the younger holding a different costume. The boy was smiling holding a piece of paper before shoving it into his pocket. The hero didn't question him but kept watching.

"Nothing All Might." His voice was still chilling but some how suppressed. The boy was happy about something but his expression quickly returned to its blank appearance. "But did you do this?" He held up his new costume.

The hero was confused. "Why no my boy. I don't know who changed it. But-"

"Look.  You two have to get going the class is waiting for you." All Might had no clue when Aizawa left but here he was entering the room.

"Oh r-right. Let's go young Midoriya." The pro-hero said he watched the boy changed into an unsettling costume then escorted the boy to Area B. The battling Zone.

But still something lingered at the back of the hero's mind. What was on that note. He saw the boy smirking from the corner of his eye.
'Was that a Fang?!'

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