(Chapter 10)

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Midoriya P.O.V.
All I could think about was to kill something. Anything! I felt the air brushing past my neck. I felt myself burst out laughing. Perhaps this was Kaachan's doing oh well! After All Yamikumo and I are one and the same.They'll just all have to DiE!

Third Person P.O.V.
Mina assisted Todoroki get out of the way but Katsuki was still in the way muttering something about it being the same as that night.

"Bakugou get out of there!" Mina yelled but she received no reply from the petrified boy.

Midoriya charged One for All but instead of green it took on a distorted purple color as if it was glitching.
His laughter sounded a broken record playing over and over again. He knocked Katsuki over and caught him by his throat with such excitement and bloodlust in his eyes.

As was he was about to bite down a whip came from nowhere and wrapped itself around the boy's waist yanking him back. The dust cleared revealing a girl with lilac hair and happy gold eyes.

"Hiya Kaachan long time no see!" The bells in her head gear jingled as she jumped back and offered her hand to lift him up.

"W-what?" He was shocked.

"Who are you?" Todoroki asked her suspiciously. "And how did you get here no one can get in?"

"Uh... I think this isn't the time for introduction. What on Earth is wrong with Yami-kun?" She asked pointing to the raging boy.

"We have to find a collar and put it on him!" Mina huffed.

"You mean that?" She pointed up to a pipe overhead Midoriya which held a dangling thin metal. "Well crap. My whip won't reach it but you guys try. I try and use my quirk." She gushed.

"What's your quirk?" Mina asked dodging Midoriya.

"go!"She said ignoring the question. Midoriya locked his eyes on Katsuki which the girl pushed away at the last moment.

"H-hey!" Katsuki watched in shock as the girl caught a punch from Midoriya.

The cameras began flicker showing clips of what was happening. The class watched as the girl maneuvered her way around the raging boy as if they were in a dance.

"Wow she's cute." Mineta received a jolt from Jiro.

"All Might?" Aizawa asked his co-worker who was trying to look at the girl from the clips.

"That girl... I've seen her before." He muttered.

The screen flickered off as the girl grabbed Midoriya's face and tripped him. While the other three were distracted she gave his a deep kiss despite his fangs.

"Yami-kun it's me! Snap out of it." The girl whispered. This got him to mildly settle down but he was still capable of lashing out.

"Hey! We got it!" Todoroki waved the collar but that provoked Midoriya to raise his hand threating to smash down.

"YOU PROMISED!" His hand stopped in mid-air before moving back to him gripping his hair like once before. Restraining himself from giving into his blood lust.
"T-toga" he said restraining himself from hurting her.

"Yes! Yes it's me. Yami-kun! Calm down. I'm a childhood friend. I'm here don't worry." She whispered as Todoroki snuck up from behind Midoriya who was then holding the mystery girl, shaking.

He slipped the collar around his neck and used his flames as a torch to close the broken collar around his neck just in time for the gates to open revealing the class All Might and Aizawa all in ready positions.

Midoriya fell asleep on her shoulder obviously exhausted from his rage and lack of blood to keep him going. Only Toga knew why he fell asleep but she wasn't going to let any of these nasty heroes know. Nonetheless she smiled as they all approached.
"Who are you?" All Might asked immediately as he saw Midoriya calmly asleep on this familiar stranger.

It was strange since his return, Midoriya never slept nor was as calm as how he was.
Toga opened her mouth to reply but instead a familiar squeaky voice was heard from behind the class.

"Shizuyu you are quite the hand full and Oh my! What did you get yourself involved in here? Seems like your quirk came in handy after all! What a coincidence too! To meet your new classmates." Nedzu ranted.

"New Classmates?" The class echoed.

"Oh for the introduction. My name is Shizuyu Misuto and I'm childhood friends with Kaachan and Yami-kun!" She giggled.

"Yeah I think I remember you... From grade-school right? Our moms were friends with your Dad?" Bakugou said.

"Ding ding ding!" She laughed.

"Excuse me but who's Yami-kun?" Uraraka asked.

"Him silly." She said pointing to Midoriya's unconscious body. "Izuku Yamikumo Midoriya. What did you guys think his middle name was?"

"Well we called him Deku. I mean Katsuki called him that and it stuck." Mineta replied chuckling at his inside joke but stopped when he saw her face.

"Why in the world would you call him 'useless'?!" She said.

"No no no it's what you think." She huffed in response not allowing Katsuki to respond.

She used her whip to trip him. "Baka."

Later that evening Midoriya woke up to meet 'Shizuyu' with him holding his hand. No one was in the infirmary at the time but he was restrained by anti-quirk bracelets. She perked up once she saw he was awake.

"H-how di-" He began but was cut off by her.
"Shh... Look He sent me here so I could keep you in check. He had someone plant in memories of me and my 'dad' before I came. So just play along. I came back from the States after My mom died. Dad knows Misuki and Inko and I will be living with you. Got it?"

He only groaned in response as he got off the bed. He felt like so hungry but he couldn't do anything at least not Toga...

"I have a meal waiting but we have to go now. Excuse me miss?" Recovery Girl walked into the ward with a relaxed smile.

"Oh Midoriya you're awake! That means you can go home. It's getting late. Just keep those bracelets on okay?"

Both of them nodded and left the school premises. Izuku had to admit for the league of Villians to infiltrate U.A.... well that was something. Toga squeezed his hand and he looked at her questioningly.

"You ruined the costume I made for you." Toga whined. Izuku leaned and kissed her in which she gladly accept his apology pulling back when he felt it was going to far.

A short while later they were at Izuku's home. At first Izuku didn't recognize the man sitting and chatting like old friends with his Mother. Until the man huffed a cloud of purple dust and looked up to the two teens with gleaming yellow eye's.


"Ah what a pleasant surprise. Just in time you two." Inko chirped. Kurogiri only eyed Midoriya in a way telling him to ditch the shocked look on his face.

"Izuku I'm sure you remember Mr.Misuto and I see you met Shizuyu." Inko introduced. "Since she is an old friend Shizuyu to stay here with us as her father goes back to the States for work."

He nodded again causing her to smile. "Then it's settled." Kurogiri said standing up. "I'll visit as much as I can."

They were so good at acting Izuku almost believed them. He ruffled Izuku's hair on his way out with a knowing glare and so he left.

Oh my! This has to be the longest chapter! Ask anything you don't understand to the personal chat room on my profile and I'll love to hear your feedback.

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