¤Chapter 4¤

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Third Person P.O.V.
The class was silent no one was happy about this. Pro-heroes had been all over the city looking for the missing boy. Izuku Midoriya had been missing for months. Seven to be exact.
Alot of people believes now that he was dead, but not 1-A and Inko Midoriya. All-Might hardly ever smiled while on school premises and Aizawa seemed to even be more stressed out than usual.
Inko was taking this the hardest. She lost weight and was very pale. All-Might had placed a group of people to watch her - him included, after finding her near to commit suicide.
"Keep yourself together, we will find him! So be strong, for him." He comforted her.
The students of 1-A had been moved to dorms because no one knew the circumstances of Izuku's disappearance.
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Later that night at a familiar bar. The Bartender Kurogiri wiped the last cup and set it in its tray.

"Shigaraki?" He called. The sound of somebody part snapped was heard followed by insane laughter.

'He's finally done it.' He sighed and called again.

"What?" Another's voice replied. A man with very light blue hair come out of room beside the bar.

He was covered in a familiar crimson liqiud and there were multiple mutilated hands around him. Through the hand on his face it was obvious he was grinning.

"I'm turning in for tonight." The purple mist said.
"Fine by me. Tell Dabi and Toga to be up early Sensei and I want to show you 'something'." 

"Sure thing." Kurogiri replied.
Shigaraki walked by to the room where a young boy in straight jacket lied on a table constantly laughing before switching to snarling like that of rabid animal then switching to nothing absolutely nothing.
His expression was calm almost as if he was dead. He turned his head to Shigaraki and giggled.

The man came closer as he admired his work. The boy had Dark puple and black hair, that could only rival charred coal with flecks and streak of red, it also came with two shiny black horns that became visible when he began to snarl. He had two fangs that legthened with the personality at play and also deathly pale skin. Finally his eyes, which had the white parts replaced with black only because it was dark and was throwing a fit.

Shigaraki, upon closer inspection, then noticed a portion of green in the boy's dominantly red eyes. He walked over to a shelf and pulled out a syringe filled with a gray liquid and poured a crimson liquid into a cup.
He walks back to his creation and injects the gray liquid into to the boy.

"Open your mouth." A snarl is his reply. "Damn, you are really stubborn." He sighed.

He kicks the boy in the stomach and grabs his throat excluding his index finger.

"You know what happens when I put my finger down hero." The boy looks away and opens his mouth reluctantly, he downed the blood of whatever his master chose. He felt his grip on reality slip away as he burst into another round of insane laughter.

"Perfect." Shigaraki commented as the green portion of his eye is swallowed by the red. "Good Night my Little Devil. Our plan starts tomorrow."
The man left the boy to his insanity. Laughing, screaming and clawing at his skin which regenerated quickly under the anti-quirk straight-jacket.

After what seemed like hours an opening of a vent could be heard. Blonde hair seemed to droop as a girl drop out of the vent. Her golden irises shined as she hers met equally shining red eyes which looked almost happy to see her. She was holding a small food flask in which held a meal she brought to him every night in secret.His crazy behavior stopped as soon as he saw her approach.

"He just couldn't leave that portion alone, could he?" She said looking into his bloody red eyes.

"What's wrong you don't like it?" His voice sounded so demonic she flinched.

"Sorry." His voice went down to a less intimidating pitch making him sound cute in her perspective.

"Guess what I got you today?" She said tracing his black horns through his hair.

"I can't think of anything that you would do. You are very unpredictable" He replied.

"Well because of what Shigaraki did to your taste in food I did my best to reinvent Katsudon for you... Kurogiri helped." She giggled. "He said it was the weirdest thing he had to cook."

"I don't blame him. I don't still understand why you are helping me behind his back." He chuckled.

"You idiot." She said taking him by surprise. "Isn't it obvious?"
The boy looked at her with confusion in his eyes.

She sighed and leaned in kissing him. Shock fading away as he too leaned in before pulling away.

"But I'm not human. At least not anymore." His tone gaining it demonic pitch again.

"Well in that case."
She pinned him to the wall and kissed him again this time allowing her tongue to curl around one of his fangs.

"I don't care." She said as she pulled away. He looked into her face only detecting sincerity. "Now let's get this food into your mouth!"

"Toga... I do love you, Y'know." She stopped the fork  inches away from his face. She blushed ,he chuckled. "Don't be shocked. I just wanted to clarify that."

"Why would you want to-" The boy leaned in and took the red dish off the fork.

"This is great!" He said averting the question. "I'm 'starving'".

"You sly devil.~" She giggled.

"Your one and only.~" He smirked.

Devil May Rage! (Villain! Deku Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now