¿Chapter 9?

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Third person P.O.V.
"Okay class focus. The Quirk Application Testing Teaming Duals are just to keep you in line for the actual test. You guys have to take down the other team for 30 minutes and- hey Hey! Eyes on me people!"

No way was the class going to listen to Aizawa. The girls were practically drooling on the handsomeness that was Midoriya. His costume was questionable since it better fit a villian but at the moment no one cared. Todoroki couldn't help but hide his face same with Bakugou.

"Was this necessary?" Katsuki fumed at his Deku but he received no reply only a blank stare. Not even the least bit of fear in his now ruby eyes.
"Hey I'm talking to you! Don't think you can act all boss because you were kidnapped and lived!" The boy fumed.

With this he did earn an expression. The boy clenched his fist and approached him.

"What do you want to fight? I'll kill you!" Bakugou continued not backing down and grabbing the other's collar.

He didn't notice it at first but Midoriya was taller.  He had grown an unnoticeable amount since the last met so this time Izuku's shadow swallowed him. The taller smiled in a way that only Bakugou could only his fangs. He could feel that fear again. He leaned against him so Midoriya's mouth was near to his ear.

The whole class, teachers included wondered what Midoriya was doing. All were slightly surprised that they didn't notice his growth spurt.

"Oh Kaachan why don't we settle this tiny feud of yours LiKE OlD fRiEndS?" Izuku was loving every single reaction he was getting from him because of his voice. "Oh AnD LEt's KEeP ThiS COnversation to ourselves hm?"

Bakugou was terrified. Memories of that nightmare hit him like a wave. He could feel himself break out in cold sweat. He saw a monster pull away instead of Deku and it beckoned him to ask.

The class was shocked on the effect Deku had on Bakugou but nonetheless. Katsuki asked Aizawa if he and Deku could face each other.

"No I will not allow it the system will choose whose going against who." Katsuki felt himself loosen up in relief. Midoriya felt himself get angrier.

Bakugou could see Midoriya's jaw straighten but he couldn't understand why he was so angry. 'Fuck! If any one should be angry it should be me.' he thought.

'No'  He shook his head. 'I am the Fucking King of Fucking Explodokills Damn it! Fuck you Deku I'm not gonna let some dream scare the shit out of me and give you an advantage!'.
He snapped out his fear and saw Deku glaring at him from the corner of his eyes.

Katsuki whipped his head to Deku's direction and gave him the finger. That only earned a silent chuckle from Deku as he pointed at the transparent digital screen that had appeared behind Aizawa. Katsuki went pale.


Katsuki had been sulking this whole time he didn't notice the other battles that had ensued. He looked around and saw the rest of the class had gone all out. He noticed as Mina gulped as She, Todoroki and Midoriya were already entering the battle grounds.

"Hurry up Bakugou. I thought you asked for this and we do have all day."

He turned to look at the blank expression that Midoriya was wearing but saw his eyes looked unfocused. Apparently Todoroki noticed this too.

As the gates closed Todoroki reached for Midoriya's shoulder. To shake him out of his faze but instead his hand was suddenly grabbed and he was toss like paper-weight to a remarkable distance.

"What the hell D-e *UWah!*" Mina met his eyes which had its Schelra (the white sides) replaced with black and his red became slits. He growled and roared revealing his fanged teeth that shamed Ejiro's. His horns tore their way to the visible surface which caused him to roar again.

"What the hell is wrong with him?!" Kaminari yelled as the cameras watching the battle shattered from Midoriya's roar to an equally shocked class.

Aizawa's eyes widened as carefully scanned Midoriya via heat sensor. "All Might the collar!"

"What do you me-" His shocked face turned to realisation. He quickly grabbed the microphone. "Listen up you three!" He boomed.

"Aizawa and I can't get in. The battle field has been sealed off from the rest of us, but there is a collar somewhere in that area. Either you get it around his neck after you find it or avoid him until the timer is up. He is not in his right state of mind and will hurt if not kill you. I have no idea what the Villians did to him but I think we are seeing the results. Remember that."

"And LIVE Damn it!" Kaminari yelled followed by encouraging cheers of the classmates.

Enjoy this devilish little cliffhanger.

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