17. The Plan

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Chapter 17

Jake's POV

After I saw everything in the park, I quickly get into my car & drive to Jessica's house. When I reach there, I knock her door. After awhile, I saw a very, I mean VERY sexy girl in front of my eyes. My jaw dropped.

"Hey Jake. What brings u here?" She ask flirtatiously. Wow, how come Ed didn't realize this girl is so hot? "Oh, I just came here to talk to u." I wink. "C'mon in then." She let me in. "Let's go upstairs. My bro is in the kitchen." She said. I guess her brother is protective of her. But it's ok, I won't hurt her. We go upstairs to this room which is kinda plain but has many posters.

"So... What do u wanna talk about?" She said while sitting on her bed. I sat down too. "Ok. I saw Ed & Liz in the park just now. Ed asked Liz to be his girl." "Oh my god. Seriously? How dare she said... Wait she said yes or..." I cut her off. "She said yes Jess, yes." She gasp. "How dare she took away Ed from me?" She was furious. "& how dare Ed take away Liz from me?" I continued. "Jake, I think it's time we make a plan." I nod. "C'mon. We'll go ask Hunter." Hunter? Who the hell is Hunter?

She pull me downstairs & go to the kitchen. "Hunter? Where the hell r u?" She yell. "Here sis." I turn & saw a guy wearing a white shirt & pants. I can see that he has a muscular body, your typical type of bad boy, "Who's this?" His eyes focus on me. "Oh. He's a friend. Jake, this is Hunter, my brother." She introduce him to me. "Sup" We did a handshake. It's kinda awkward that we know what our next step is. We both laugh afterwards. Jessica is just standing & staring at us.

"Hunter, we need your advice for revenge." She smile an evil smile. "Ok. So u guys want ideas?" He ask. "Yeah." Me & Jess answered together. "Hmmm... Ok I got it. Here's the plan..." We start to discuss the plan. The plan was perfect. "... So just like that Liz will be with Jake, Ed will be with Liz." I clapped. "Awesome plan, Hunter." He bow. "Thank u." Jessica hug her brother. "Thanks bro!" He hug back. "Anything for my sis." Such a great family they have.

So here is the plan:

Me & Jess will try to drug Ed & Liz at the party that Jess will host this Friday. Then, we make out with them. Lastly, we get who we want.

Great plan, right?

"Hey Jess, it's getting late. I should get going. Bye." I wave to Jess as I walk out the door. "Bye Jake." She said. I start my car & went home. I was thinking about Liz. But then, Jessica pop out of nowhere. I can't stop myself from smiling. Why? I put that aside & think about Ed.

Ugh! He's really an asshole. Then, an idea came to me. I'll speak out Ed's little secret at school tomorrow. Muahahaha! Pure evil revenge Jake. I high 5 with myself. I know it's awkward but it's awesome...

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