20. Crazy Day {Pt 1}

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A/N: Damon's picture on the side ====>

Chapter 20

Ed's POV

I woke up in the morning. "Ugh, head hurts." I muttered to myself. I sat on my bed. On the floor lies Damon & Austin. They were sound asleep. I stood up & went to my balcony. I saw Liz & her friends r still sleeping. I saw her foot is on Katie's head. I laugh. Katie just ignore it. I wonder how will Liz sleep with me... Having sex together, that what it is.

I mentally slap myself. Like that will ever happen, my subconscious. I went to the showers & get dressed for school. "DUDES! WAKEY WAKEY! TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I shouted so I didn't have to wake them up one by one. "Gimme a sec, mom!" Austin said. I laugh kinda hard. He thinks I'm his mom! Hahaha!

Damon woke up first, being the good sport. "What time is it, Ed?" He ask. I look at my watch. "About 8 o'clock." I said casually. Yeah I know school is about to start. But one thing I know is that I'm lying. If I don't lie, he's not going to wake up. "GOD DAMN IT! ITS TUESDAY! MRS CLARIS IS GOING TO KILL ME IF I'M LATE AGAIN!" He shouted as he went to my bathroom. Austin woke up slowly.

"Dude, u lied to him did u?" Austin smirk evilly. "Yeah I did. How did u know?" I'm kinda surprise he knew. "Easy. I was awake before u shouted. I look at your wall clock & it's only 7:15" He said smoothly. I'm impress he could wake up that early. I gave him a thumbs up. He nodded. Then, Damon came out of the bathroom. "DAMN IT!" He shouted then eyed on us. "WHAT THE FUCK R U GUYS STILL DOING HERE?! GET DRESSED! WE'RE NOT GOING TO BE LATE!" He shouted on top of his lungs.

Me & Austin look at each other then burst out laughters. "Why the hell r u guys laughing about?" He asked seriously. "Dude! It's... Just... 7:30... Now!" I laugh between the words. "WHAT THE FUCK?! SHIT! DAMN SHIT MAN! U MEAN I COULD BE SLEEPING JUST NOW?!" Austin & me nodded. "I'M SERIOUSLY GOING TO KICK YOUR ASSES!" He shouted as me & Austin ran to the bathroom & lock the door. Suddenly everything was quiet. Austin took a peek outside. "The place is clear." He said while walking, I followed him. As Austin was about to take his clothes, I heard him shout. "FUCK U DAMON!" He said as I see Damon on him. "FINE! PLEASE! SORRY! LET ME GO! KILL ED! ITS HIS IDEA!" "WHAT THE HELL SHIT MAN!" I yelled.

As Damon run to me, I yelled. "DUDE! I'M SO FUCKING SORRY!" He stop running. "Good that u motherfuckers said 'sorry'." He was pretty piss off. "But u guys r still the fucking best friends a guy could ever have!" We did a handshake & hug each other. After everyone was ready, we went to school.

After we got to school, Austin need to run to the library to study for a quiz with his girlfriend, Miranda. Me & Damon just chat in front of Liz's locker as I wait for my girlfriend to arrive.

Liz's POV

*At school

Wow. Walking with your besties r super awesome. Nina, Katie, Cat & me walk into the school. I notice that everyone is looking at us. "I guess u guys have fans." I laugh. They just smile. As I walk to my locker, I saw Ed & Damon was already there. I smile.

"Hey handsome & asshole." I said trying to sound innocent.

"Liz, what the hell did I do to u until u call me an asshole? Or maybe Ed give u his bad side..." He said while pretending he's scratching his beard. "Hell no I'll give her my bad side." Ed punched Damon. "Guys, stop." & they did stop. "I guess I'll leave u guys alone. We'll catch up later, Liz." Cat said. I gave her the 'ok' sign. "Be careful of Jessica." I whispered to Nina, Katie & Cat. "She's here?" Katie ask. I nodded.

"I guess we'll be careful, EXTRA CAREFUL. See ya later, Liz." We bid goodbye as they walk towards the receptionist. Suddenly, I heard someone shouting. "ED KILLED AN INNOCENT GIRL! ED IS A KILLER!" Me, Ed & Damon exchange looks. Of course Damon don't know the secret, I think. But he is shock, Ed is REALLY shock.

"What the..." I said.

"Who the hell..." Me & Ed cut off Damon's sentence by saying...

"Jake." We said together. That name seriously sent shivers down our spine."But why? WHY?!" Ed ask angrily. I comfort him. But then the shouting begin again & a crowd was forming.

"ED IS A KILLER! HE KILLED A GIRL!" Shit, I'm going to kill that guy. As I'm about to tell Ed, he was running away from the crowd. "Damon! Go after him!" I told him to follow Ed & comfort him. He nodded. I am not going to regret this, I'm going to do this for Ed. I said to myself. I run towards the crowd until I was in the middle.



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