1 - Luck

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"WHAT? Wanna One is coming to town and I don't even know it?" I gasped when I read an article.

I didn't know what triggered me, but somehow that day I felt like googling "Wanna One" instead of "Kang Daniel" in the internet. Which then lead me to the news of them having a fan meeting in my country.

I quickly looked for the fan meeting ticket, but apparently the tickets through official channels had already sold out about 2 months back.

I froze, staring blankly at my computer screen, as my whole body went numb. I bumped my head repeatedly, because I felt so dumb and so ignorant for blowing up possibly the ONLY chance I could get to meet my beloved superstar.

"No. I'm not gonna give up without a fight," I gathered my force to find another way to get the ticket.

After sometime searching, I got some ridiculous offers. As in the price was so high they got to the sky, or reasonable price but for the back rows where I could only hope that people who would be sitting in front of me were smaller than me. Which of course, unlikely.

Suddenly I got another offer for a tour bundled with a standing section ticket for the fan meeting in a nearby country at a reasonable price. My brain was wrestling with all the good and bad of taking one to the other.

After discussing it with some friends and checking the legitimacy of the offer, we agreed that the tour package was the best offer to take.

A few days before the fan meeting at the nearby country

"Yeayyy!!!" I screamed in absolute joy when I heard that Wanna One would spend the several days gap between the fan meetings in the same country where I would attend it.

That was until I realized that my flight was still in three days later. Good Lord.

I started to get fidgety every time I saw a post in social media about them being spotted out and about, exploring the country. I wanted to go right away, hoping to bump into them, especially Kang Daniel.

The flight day

I was so happy when I arrived at the respected country, I was finally breathing the same air with Kang Daniel. I was all smile and full of excitement, until I realized that the tour was nothing like what I expected. I was so mad but I knew that complaining wouldn't make it any better, so I decided to go to downtown to calm my mind.

My mood instantly boosted when I found some good items to shop. After satisfied with the shopping, I went to a food court in a mall to chill and grab something to drink.

As I was enjoying my drink while scrolling social media, I gasped when I saw some pictures of Jisung, and Minhyun eating at the same food court where I was at. I quickly went to the booth on the pic, but they weren't there.

"Fuck! How could I miss them?" I cursed annoyedly as I looked around, hoping that they would still be nearby.

I searched for them all over the place, but then I saw another post spotted them already leaving the premises.

After that, I saw another picture of Jihoon, and Seongwoo roaming inside the same mall. I looked for them, but again, I still couldn't find them.

"This is useless," I was so pissed and sad because I missed them all right under my nose.

I finally went back to the food court to buy another drink. I was so tired and thirsty after running around, searching for Wanna One.

After I calmed down, I decided to go home to get some rest. But then on my way to the exit, I suddenly saw a dazzling figure from afar coming towards me.

It was Kang Daniel, THE Kang Daniel. He was shining, I swear I saw lights coming out of him. I was blinded by his charisma. I have no words to describe him. He's just beautiful beyond what words could explain.

"I can't believe I found you," I cried in happy tears.

After a while, I finally saw his surroundings. He was guarded by several bodyguards and a girl. Plus, there's a huge amount of people following right behind him.

I wasn't sure what to do, so I just stood there, frozen. But when they got pretty close, I finally snapped my mind and decided to move aside. If not, I would've gotten slashed by the umbrellas that the bodyguards used to protect Kang Daniel.

After they got passed me, I looked for a sturdy surface to hold on. My whole body was trembling, and I was having trouble breathing. I was afraid that I would faint.

"I miss you guys. I wish you were here with me to witness this unbelievable moment. Then we could hold on to each other to deal with the after effect," I was tearing up remembering my close fellow peaches.

After I gained some strength, my heart and brain started to battle. I wanted to get close to him, but I didn't wanna add the burden of being followed by one more person to him.

"Hhh. Fuck it. I wanna see him, I won't let it slipped. I'll follow him while still maintaining a safe distance," I concluded.

The bodyguard did a great job in protecting Daniel's space from his fans. I was also proud with the crowd as they listened really well and didn't barge into his personal space.

Although some people in the internet later on called us out for following him, it was a pure joy and excitement for us who were there. I witnessed people around me were so happy, some of them even cried because they couldn't believe that they got to see Kang Daniel in person. I wished that he wasn't too bothered with us, and knew that we're just so happy to see him.

When he went into a grocery store, the crowd were still surrounding him. So I went to an isle right next to where he was, because there was no more space for me to see him from the front. I was still so excited that I could be that close to him although I couldn't see him.

Then I saw the girl who was with Daniel earlier, she looked confused.

"Do you need help?" I offered as I approached her.

She described what she's looking for and I helped her to find it.

"Thanks. Bye!" she waved before she went back to Daniel and the bodyguards.

After they checked out at the register, they went to where Jisung and Minhyun spotted to eat earlier. However they ended up taking an elevator next to it because at that point, it would be impossible for them to eat there.

"Oh, poor kid. He must be hungry," I regretted as I saw him getting into the elevator from afar.

The crowd went ballistic when he waved to us before the elevator doors closed. I was nothing but all smile because I still couldn't believe what I just experienced.

I met him, my Superstar, Kang Daniel.

When the crowd started to unravel, I decided to go to a store that I wanted to check on earlier before I went home. But when I arrived at the 3rd floor, I saw him again, walking so beautifully like he was in a runway. And of course still with a huge amount of people following him.

This time I decided to watch him from afar. He didn't get inside any store and ended up just walking around before heading towards the exit. I followed him along with the crowds on his way out until I finally stopped when he got inside a hotel right in front of the mall. Although it was short, it sure was one of the happiest moment of my life.

"Thank God for giving me the chance to bump into Kang Daniel in person. I will never forget this. I am so lucky. Thank you," I prayed.

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