10 - Stop

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After they left, I met Jolie and Riri, who were waiting for me outside the venue. They came to share some freebies while hoping that someone might sell the tickets at a bargained price, but unfortunately it didn't happen.

For some reason, I felt that being together with them boost my luck, and they also felt the same way. Besides, our humor are so similar. We laugh every time we're together, so we ended up become close friends.

We talked about how lucky we were. We're laughing and having a great time until Jolie suddenly said, "I miss them,"

"I know right? I miss how we could casually bump into them. We're so lucky," Riri said. She didn't even watch the fan meeting in the country that I went or my home country. But she managed to bump into every single one of Wanna One members. If that's not lucky, I don't know what is.

"Hhh. Me too. It's suddenly feel so ...," I sighed.

"Empty," the three of us said at the same time. Then we hugged each other.

Then we decided to grab some dinner at a nearby shopping mall.

"Look, guys! The boys have arrived safely to the airport," Riri said as she showed us some pictures from social media when we waited for our food.

I was still hesitant to open social media, because I was afraid that I would have another breakdown. But I missed them so much, so I finally decided to give it a try while kept reminding myself that I opened it just to monitor the boys' well being. But I failed, when I saw another war going on.

Some people claimed that the fan meeting in my home country was better than the one that I went. I was happy that the fan meeting in my home country went well, but why did they have to compare it to another country? Why? I didn't regret my decision to watch the fan meeting in the nearby country. It was a great show, despite of what happened. In fact, it was one of the best time that I've ever had in my entire life.

Some people were mad because of what Sungwoon said during the fan meeting in my home country. They even demanded him to leave Wanna One. I mean seriously? Sungwoon was one of the first person who stopped the mc from kept going, because he noticed that the audience were crying out for help at the fan meeting that I went. He even cried later on. I learned that after some people post some videos online.

Some people also complained that some of the members looked like they didn't wanna be there, in my home country, and they claimed that Daniel didn't care about international fans because of his post on fancafe. I mean, come on now, it's been how many weeks since they were out of their country for the fan meetings? Of course they're tired, and they missed their home country.

"Can you please stop?" I said before I cried.

The girls were panicked when I suddenly cried. I didn't wanna make them worried, but I just couldn't handle it anymore. Maybe I'm just not strong enough for social media.

"Now I remember why I didn't use social media. If it wasn't because I was looking for the fan meeting ticket, I would never open my social media, because sometimes people are just too toxic," I said. I felt so helpless.

At that point, I  just felt bad for everyone, like I mean everyone. Everyone who felt  sad, aggrieved, mad, and all of the other uncomfortable feelings that people had  because of the fan meetings. But really, should we continue  doing this? Tearing each other apart like this? Pointing fingers on each other? Instead of  focusing on supporting the boys? When there's not much time left for them to be together as they would be disbanded by the end of this year. Really?

I couldn't stop crying, so we decided to call it a day. When I got home I was restless. I couldn't sleep.

"What if the boys read what those people  said in social media?" I wondered as I looking at the ceiling of my  apartment. "They must be heart broken. Arrrgh! What can I do to help  them?" I said annoyed.

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