2 - Pure Luck

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Some people were still gathering in front of the mall, hoping that Kang Daniel or the other members would show up. I was also still there, waiting for my ride.

My hotel was actually pretty close to the mall, but I was afraid that it would be raining if I walk, and I hurt my ankle when I was running around the mall earlier.

"What the hell?" I grunted annoyedly when suddenly the driver canceled my ride.

"Hey. You're still here?" I heard someone called me.

"Oh. You guys made it," I said when I saw my tour leader, Riri, and the other tour member, Jolie, came out of a car.

They said that the traffic was really bad, it took them almost an hour to get to the mall from the hotel.

Suddenly, we heard another commotion beside us. And just like that, we saw Daehwi jumping around while giggling as he headed to the hotel, followed by Guanlin who walked so coolly behind him.

"What's going on? Why people are suddenly cheering?" Jolie asked innocently.

I looked at Riri, then we laughed so hard, while Jolie looking at us confused.

"There! Look! Daehwi and Guanlin are right in front of you. Of course people are cheering," I explained.

Then she started screaming when she saw them got into the hotel. Hahaha, speaking of late response.

My mood had brightened a lot, because of the whole thing. I was sad about the tour earlier and also because I missed four of the Wanna One members right under my nose. But Kang Daniel, Daehwi, and Guanlin were handed to me instead, without me doing anything. I was happy beyond belief. I never knew that I'm so lucky. That's why I decided to forget about what made me upset earlier and be more open minded to make the most of this trip.

The next morning, I woke up pretty early in the morning, so I decided to take a stroll around my hotel complex. I didn't know how, but I was already standing in front of Wanna One's hotel when I realized.

"Heek! Why am I here? Are you hoping to meet him again (y/n)?" I asked.

I wouldn't lie, of course I want to meet him again, like as many times as possible. But I also don't wanna be that person who keep bugging him at his door and invading his privacy. "No, not like that," I reminded myself as I looked down.

"Hhh. Then how? How could you possibly meet him if not using that way?" I sighed as I looked up to the sky. "I don't know, maybe just like yesterday, pure luck," I said as I closed my eyes. "Let's just go (y/n)," I said as I turned around heading back to my hotel.

Then I saw someone wearing a hooded jacket and a mask coming towards me. After that person walked passed me, I stopped.

"Wait, was that?" I asked, "No, it can't be" I continued. Then I continued jogging.

Before I took a turn, I heard some girls arguing from afar. I peeked and I saw there were a bunch of girls.

"I swear! I'm not lying. I saw Kang Daniel, just now. He was jogging," someone said.

"HOLY SHIT! It WAS Kang Daniel!" I cursed in my mind.

"Then where is he now?" the other one asked.

"He went that way. Come on! We should find him before he get back to his hotel," the first one said. Then I heard rapid footsteps, they're running.

There were rumors spreading around about Wanna One had to change their hotel because some people kept following them to their hotel and some of them even knock on doors to look for them. "I don't know if the rumors are true or not, but for now let's just warn him," I said in my mind as I turned around and ran as fast as I could towards the direction where I saw him earlier.

I stopped to catch my breath when I couldn't find him anywhere. "I hope he's already inside ... Mffgh!," I gasped when I felt someone's hand covering my mouth and pulled me into a dark alley. I couldn't see the person, because he secured my back on his chest with his hand.

"Oh God, this is not what I picture to get myself into. I came here only to see Wanna One, not to be abducted. Please save me," I said in my mind as I kept trying to get free.

"Ssst!" that person shushed me.

Then I kept silent when I heard the girls' voices from afar. That person tightened the grip on me when their voices were coming in closer.

Then when the girls left, and their voices became inaudible, that person finally let me go. I was so scared, I didn't care who it was who held me up as a hostage, I just wanted to run away, but I couldn't because my whole body was stiff.

"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" that person suddenly said.

His voice seems familiar. I turned around slowly, then froze when I finally saw that person.

"Hi! We have met before, remember?" he said as he opened his hoodie and mask.

The next thing I knew, I was crumbling down, crying like a baby, and my whole body was trembling. I was so scared because I thought it was a kidnapper. Thank God it wasn't, it was Kang Daniel.

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