7 - Flight

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A/N: Credit for the gif and picture goes to the rightful owners of the gif and picture

I ended up falling asleep as I cried. When I woke up, I didn't wanna open social media for the time being. It's too toxic for me. I couldn't take it.

I decided to spend my time with my tour friends. Apparently they're such a bunch of cool and funny girls. We were laughing throughout the trip. People were looking but we didn't care. We had a great time touring the city.

Finally I realized that I had to go to the airport to catch my flight, somehow I was the only one who got back earlier. I didn't know why and I didn't even want to complain, because I didn't mind, and I missed my country too.

I needed to be at the airport at least two hours before the flight, because it's an international flight. I was fidgety throughout the drive, then I ran as soon as I arrived. I ran as if my life's depended on it.

Finally I got into the gate just in time. I was so exhausted from all the running, and I started to feel my whole body was aching because of last night.

"Ouch," I said when I threw myself on a chair while huffing. I didn't know my butt were sore. Maybe from seating for too long yesterday. I also felt that my knees were numb because of too many kneeling.

"Hey," someone said. I turned my head and I saw Carrie sat beside me. "Are you okay?" she asked.

"Uhm. Yeah. I was just almost late for the flight," I said.

"Don't worry, they said the flight is delayed for couple minutes," she explained.

"Oh, I see. It's good then. Oh, I mean I'm sorry, it must be bad for you guys if it gets delayed," I said.

"No. It's fine. So you're also coming to the fan meeting in that country?" she asked.

"No. I don't have that much of money. Haha. I fly there to go back. That's my home country," I said.

"Oh, I see. So do you want to help me for the fan meeting then?" she said.

"Huh?" I asked. I wasn't really sure what I heard. Besides wasn't she mad at me?

"Look. I'm sorry for yesterday. I was just worried about you, everyone was. The boys care a lot about wannables. That's why they did what they did," she said as she grabbed my hands.

I couldn't contain my tears and I started crying.

"I know ... I ... sorry ... too ... I ... not ... bad ... we ... not ... criminal ... we ... just ... wanna ... see ... Wanna One ...," I ranted nonsense while sobbing.

"I know, it's okay, that's why, I'm sorry, okay?" she said as she hugged me and patted my back.

When I opened my eyes I saw the boys were already surrounding me.

"We know, and we're sorry too," Daniel said.

"Why ... you ... sorry ... not ... your ... fault ... I ... embarrassed ... happened ... I ... sorry ... everyone ... I ... not ... know ... to ... do ...," I cried even louder.

"You don't need to do anything, just be safe, okay? Then we'll be happy," Daniel said as he hugged me.

After sometime, "You don't stop crying so you can be hugged by me longer, do you?" Daniel asked.

"Hehehe. Busted," I said as I finally calmed down and stopped crying.

He wiped the tears on my cheeks and gave me tissues and water.

"Oh and one more," he handed me a cup of noodle.

I gasped as I took the cup. My mood suddenly brightened as I ate the noodle.

 My mood suddenly brightened as I ate the noodle

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"Slow down, will you? You'll burn your throat. No one's gonna take ..." he warned.

"Hehe, too late. It's all gone," I said as I showed the empty cup as the content was already transferred into my system.

"Silly," he said as he ruffled my hair.

Then all of us were chatting until we boarded to the plane. I got a seat right next to an emergency exit with Carrie, and beside her was an empty seat, while the others were at a few rows in front of us.

"Mmm, I'm sorry Miss, but you need to switch with someone else. There must be a mistake at the check in desk, we can't put someone under 18 years old to sit next to an emergency exit," suddenly a stewardess said.

Everyone laughed their asses off.


"I'm sorry, I know I'm small, but I'm already 20 something years old, you know? I'm not some kid

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"I'm sorry, I know I'm small, but I'm already 20 something years old, you know? I'm not some kid. Na ah," I said as I glared at her. I didn't know if I should be grateful or sad to be mistaken as under 18 years old. But I was maaaaaaad! 🤬

"I'm gonna sit there," Daniel said as he suddenly stood beside the stewardess and asked me and Carrie to move aside. So I sat between Daniel, and Carrie.

"You didn't have to move, though. I'm capable of ..." I said still sulking.

"Ssst! You're so noisy. I wanna sleep. It's too cramp anyway at the front. I like it here. I can stretch my looooooong legs," he said as he stretched his legs reaching way passed the seat in front of him. "Oops! I bet you don't know how it feels," he continued as he looked at me trying to do the same thing, but I barely touch the front seat. They both chuckled.

"Ah! Why are you siding with him?" I asked and she just shrugged.

It was two hours flight and I was stiff, I couldn't move. Why? Because, both Daniel and Carrie's head were resting on my shoulders.

"Who did you call small, huh? Now you both are resting on my shoulders," I bragged in my mind.

I shifted my body slowly as my shoulders started to get numb, but I didn't wanna wake them. Suddenly Daniel moved his head and put his hand on my head then leaned it to rest on his shoulder. His broad shoulder! 😱

"Get some sleep. You cried all night, didn't you? Your eyes are puffy," he said with his eyes closed.

"Yours too. I'm sorry," I said. Then he rested his head on top of my head, and I closed my eyes.

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