4 - Stylist

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"Oh. Here's the box," I said as I picked up a safety pin box on a table next to Carrie's door when I came in.

"It was there the whole time? Oh. Aren't you my savior. Thank you," she said as she hugged me.

Then she asked me to find some other things which I found pretty quickly.

"You're very helpful. Daniel, shall we try out your outfit for the show tonight, since we have a helpful company?" she suggested and Daniel agreed.

"Now you can clean up in my bathroom, it's over there. I'll get you some clothes to change," she said to me suddenly.

I was confused, but before I could say anything she already handed me a towel and some clothes then pushed me lightly into the bathroom.

"Yeay! I'll be back as soon as I cleaned up," he said.

When I came out of the bathroom after cleaning up, Daniel was already back in Carrie's room trying out his stage outfit. I froze when I saw him. He took my breath away.

"(y/n)? Aren't you gonna help me?" she asked.

"Huh? Oh yeah," I said when I snapped back to reality.

As I got closer to them, suddenly my legs got weak then I fell on the floor. My heart was beating so fast, I was trembling, I couldn't breathe.

"(y/n), are you okay?" she asked. Daniel and Carrie helped me up and put me on a chair.

"Guys, I just wanna remind you that no matter what, I'm still a big fan of Daniel. I never thought that I could see him this close. So you guys have to understand that I need sometime to calm my shit down, okay? I just want to set the expectation clear here," I explained before I gulped water that Daniel gave me.

They both laughed.

"Alright. Just helped me when you're ready," Carrie said before she continued what she was doing with Daniel.

As I was busy calming myself down, I saw Carrie looked confused. I took a deep breath then got up to help her. Somehow I knew what she needed before she even asked for it.

"Now that was easy. Thank you (y/n). Daniel, should we call the others too? You wouldn't mind to help me a little bit more, would you?" she asked.

"Hm yeah. I don't mind. That was fun," I said.

"Alright. Let me get the others," Daniel said before he left.

"Daniel, before you get in please give me sometime to prepare myself," I said then he chuckled.

When someone knocked on the door, I prepared my heart as I sat on the chair. Then Daniel peeked inside and I signaled him to come in. My jaw dropped when I saw the boys coming in.

"Holy Shit! Mother Father! Oh God! What is this? Am I dead? Is this heaven? Why do I see angels? They are all so fucking beautiful!" I was screaming and ranting in my mind as I gripped the chair.

"Ugh, why are you calling us so early in the morning? I'm still so sleepy," Jisung yawned.

"This is how he looks after he woke up? Damn!" I said in my mind.

"Oh. We have a company? Hi! I'm Jisung. What's your name?" Jisung said as he approached me.

I was just blinking, observing the wonderfully crafted human being. I couldn't answer nor move.

"Her name is (y/n). She's currently in shock state. She's our fan," Daniel explained when he saw Jisung confused.

"She's gonna help me to checked on your outfits for tonight. Just leave her be. She'll function properly soon," Carrie said.

"Are you sure? She doesn't look okay though," Jisung asked.

Then I made an ok sign with my hand.

"See? She's fine," Carrie said.

"Do you need water?" Daniel mumbled and I nodded frantically.

He smiled as he gave me another bottle of water for how many times already I've lost count. Then I caught Minhyun was smiling at me when I gulped the water. I fucking choked.

Daniel helped me and tapped my back.

"Oh. I feel so dizzy," I finally managed to get some words out of my mouth.

"You okay?" Daniel asked and I nodded then got up.

"Finally. Let's begin," Carrie said.

Later that day

"Fiuh. That was fast. Thank you so much for your help," Carrie said after everyone finished trying on their outfits. "(y/n)? Are you okay? You're so pale," Carrie asked.

"I'm fine. I just need to calm down. I've been holding it in," I said as I sat down again on the chair trying to breathe properly.

"(y/n), I was wondering if you could help me at the fan meeting today," she asked.

"Mmm. I'm really sorry, but I came here specially for the fan meeting. I don't think I could bail on that. Sorryyy," I explained. I must be crazy for rejecting such an opportunity, but I really wanted to watch them perform live.

She said it's okay, but she looked disappointed.

"Mmm, what about this? I'll come to help you right after the show. That's sounds good?" I suggested.

"Yeah. That would work too. Thank you," she said finally smiled a bit.

Then the boys asked me bunch of questions until their managers called them to get ready.

"Alright. I'll excuse myself. I also need to get prepared to watch the show. Good luck guys!" I said as I headed to the door.

"I'll come as soon as I can to help you and return this clothes. See ya!" I said before I left.

"Hey," I heard Daniel called me.

"Yeah?" I asked as I turned around to him.

He approached me, then my eyes widened when held my hands.

"Thank you for your help, and please stay safe," he said.

"Daniel, did you forget?" I asked before my legs gave out on me. I was melted, crumpled down on the floor.

"He's so damn good looking, and sweet, and Hhhrgghhh!" I screamed in my mind.

"I'm sorry. It's just that you treat me like a normal person. I totally forgot that you're a fan," he said as he patted my shoulder.

"How could we treat you like a normal person dumb ass? When you're a living proof of miracle," I said.

"Hehe. Thank you. I'm flattered. But I'm happy when you treat me normally," he said.

"Alright. Give me time okay? I think I'll get used to it after sometime," I said and he nodded.

Then I laughed and he looked at me confused.

"Nothing. I just never thought that I would ever need to get used to something like this. Hahaha," I explained and he chuckled.

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