9 - Dream

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A/N: All picture credit goes to the rightful owners of the picture

Daniel was right. I couldn't sleep all night. That boy was messing with my mind. He was playing and running around my imagination.

When we got to the venue the next day, we went straight to backstage. It was the first time I had ever been to backstage. It was like a war. I was so busy helping Carrie unnie, until she asked me to be in charge for Daniel's make up.

"Nooooooo. That's not gonna happen. Peaches will kill me if I mess him up. Besides I've never put a makeup on someone else, I barely even use makeup myself" I said.

"Do you actually think that I will let you send him out with a messed up face? Of course I will check it. Besides it's hard to mess him up. I mean look at him," Carrie convinced.

"I know right," I said as I looked at him. He's so purrfect, he doesn't even need make up.

Then I agreed to be in charge of Kang Daniel's make up. I was trembling so much until he grabbed my hand and said, "It's okay. I know you'll do great. I trust you," he said.

I finally stopped trembling.

"Why would someone want to cover up this beautiful face," I wondered in my mind as I put some make up on his gorgeous face. Until I realized that he was looking at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing, I just wanna see you as long as I can," he said lightly.

"Stop it. I need to do my job properly here, alright?" I said as I continued doing my job.

 I need to do my job properly here, alright?" I said as I continued doing my job

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"Dan," I said.

"Hmm?" Daniel mumbled as his lips movement were limited because I was applying some lipstick on him.

"Can you let me live?" I asked.

"Hmm?" he asked again as he looked at me confused.

"Stop  looking at me like that, I'm gonna melt. My legs started to get weak,"  I said, but he just smiled and kept looking at me then suddenly pushed a strand of my hair gently behind my ears.

"FUCK!" I cursed inside, before my legs completely gave out on me.

"(y/n), are you okay?" Carrie asked and I nodded. "Are you done with Daniel?" she asked.

"Yeah, he's ready," I answered quickly as I shooed him out.

I saw he chuckled then smirked when he looked at me.

"I'll be back soon," he whispered in my ear and ruffled my hair.

"How could I live for another two hours like this?" I asked in my mind.

Surprisingly I finished the task nicely until the boys finished the fan meeting. They looked pretty tired. Then Daniel whispered something to Carrie before he left to a changing room.

"(y/n), can you help out Daniel with his clothes?" Carrie asked.

"Yeah, sure," I said as I went to the changing room.

"Dan, it's me, can I come in? Please be fully clothed. You know what's gonna happen if you don't. I might actually die," I warned.

"Hahaha, yeah, come in," he said.

"Huh? You already changed your clothes, Carrie said ...," I paused when he suddenly hugged me.

"I asked her a favor," he said. "Oh what should I do when I miss you?" he asked.

"Well, you have my number, and do you know there's this thing called video call?" I asked.

"Silly, you know that's not what I mean," he said.

"I know. And I also know that it's better for me not to come with you to the airport, right? Because things will get complicated. That's why Carrie allowed you to do this," I asked and he looked down.

"Awww, our cutie pie has grown up to be a big boy. And he has a duty to make all of his fans happy," I said.

"Don't call me cutie," he said sulking.

"Well your words and your action doesn't match. You're a total cutie. Hahaha," I said and he pouted.

"Dan, can I ask you just one more thing before you leave?" I asked.

"Of course. Tell me, anything," he said.

"Promise me that you won't forget to take care of yourself while you take care of your fans. And be happy. So that sounds like two requests, but you know, just ...," I got silenced by his kiss.

"I will. And please you do so too. I promise I will be back," he said.

"Is my nose bleeding?" I asked.

"What?" he asked confused.

"Am I still alive?" I asked again.

"What are you talking about?" he asked again.

"Is this heaven?" I continued.

"Are you okay?" he continued.

"I'm not okay! You asshole! How can I be okay after what you did? Huh? You just fucking kiss me, you rude bastard! How am I gonna live after this? Huh?" I asked.

"That what I was aiming for. Now you won't be able to forget me. Ever! You've been whipped by me," he said before he stuck his tongue out.

When we went out, everyone was ready to get into the car to the airport. Carrie's eyes were red. Then we were both crying when I hugged her. My heart was hurting when I saw them leave. But I knew that it was how it needed to be.

"It's just one good summer dream. I'm so lucky. I had a really nice dream, now I need to wake up. Goodbye Daniel," I said in my mind.

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