Executing an Executioner

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Tatsumi's pov

Bulat and I were training our muscles and muscle movement and oh boy is it tiring.

"That's it for me, Bro. My arms really hurt" I said while trying to catch my breath.

I then looked over at YN. He was sitting with his legs crossed and eyes closed. I also noticed that his breathing pattern was slow and controlled.

"Hey, Bro?" I said getting his attention.

"Yeah? What is it you need?" Bro asked me in response.

"How come YN's isn't training physically like we are" I asked him slightly annoyed at the fact I'm exhausted and YN's just sitting there.

"Oh. Well you see as a range user, YN doesn't exactly need to train as physically as we do. He just needs to make sure he's capable of defending himself if he ever is found out which isn't likely." Bro explained.

I looked over at YN still confused on what exactly his training is doing.

"So how exactly does he train himself" I asked out of curiosity.

However instead of Bro, I heard YN speak up.

"My training is varied. For my range I don't really focus on my aim but on controlling my breath and blocking out distractions which is what you saw me doing. In other words focus is my main priority in range." YN explained to me

"Now I understand." I said to him as he rolled his eyes.

"However like Bro said, I still need to be able to defend myself. As unlikely as it is for me to be caught there is still a chance. So I asked Akame and Leone to help me out. Akame is training me in swordsmanship while Leone is training me in unarmed hand to hand combat." YN pointed out.

Just then YN and I heard Akame's voice. We turned around and saw Akame standing there in an apron with her long black hair tied up. I looked over at YN and see that he is starstruck. I smirked realizing that he likes Akame.

" It's time for you two to help me prepare breakfast" Akame said while gesturing for us to follow her to the kitchen. We did as we were asked.

Timeskip to the Mission Briefing.

YN's pov

The Boss had just got done explaining to us that some sick fuck has being decapitating people at random every night and his kill count is unknown.

"Well there is only one person I can think of that would be doing this shit." I said getting the rest of Night Raid's attention.

"No doubt. It's got to be the work of headhunter Zanku." Lubbock stated as I crossed my arms nodding in agreement.

"Who's headhunter Zanku" Tatsumi asked.

I facepalmed hearing that question. How the hell does he not know about that sicko.

"You really don't know. Wow you really are from the sticks aren't you?" Mine asked annoying me slightly.

"Hey! Watch it! I grew up in the sticks too!" I pointed out to Mine

"Oh. Then how does he not know about Zanku" Mine asked while pointing at Tatsumi.

"Beats me. Anyway, Long story short. Zanku was an executioner for a major prison back in the day. He decapitated so many people that it became an addiction one that he would eventually bring to the streets." I explained to Tatsumi.

" However I never imagined he would show up in the city after disappearing." Bulat pointed out.

"So what is an imperial arm anyway?" Tatsumi asked.

Akame pulled out Murasame and showed it to Tatsumi. Najenda then proceeded to explain the origin of imperial arms. The entire time I kept glancing at Akame.

"I still find it strange how such a kind and beautiful girl like Akame ended up wielding one of the deadliest imperial arms out there." I accidently said out loud.

After realising I said that out loud I blushed a very dark shade of red and looked over at Akame who was wide-eyed and blushing a similar shade of red.

"I-I-I g-got to g-go get r-ready for t-the mission. B-bye." I stuttered as I ran out of the room.

Timeskip to the mission

Akame, Tatsumi, and I were walking through town. I was still recovering from accidently calling Akame beautiful even though she is. Akame explained to us more about her imperial arm and how she can't afford to be dependent on it.

Just then I saw Tatsumi start walking in a certain direction. I decided to follow him. When I got to where he was I saw him... hugging Zanku. I guess the sick bastard used an illusion of someone the kid cared about. I noticed a green eye on Zanku's head. Spectator. An imperial arm that allows the user to read a person's mind and cast illusions based on a person's memories. At that point I cleared my mind entirely and just let my instincts kick in.

About fifteen minutes into the fight I had only managed to scratch the bastard about five or six times. Even if I cleared my mind that fucking eye still has foresight. Just then I saw Murasame pierce the ground. I looked up and saw Akame making her entrance.

"Man. That's one hell of an entrance." I whispered to myself.

Then Akame takes over when Tatsumi and I left off. They're evenly matched. Akame's speed is a good counter against the foresight and mind reading abilities of the Spectator. Then I saw Akame just freeze all of a sudden.

"What the heck." I asked as I made my way over to Tatsumi.

"Kurome" I heard Akame mutter which made my eyes widen.

I ignored it and continued helping Tatsumi. After a while I heard a loud thud and looked over to see Zanku dead and Akame walking away. She helped me carry Tatsumi back to the base.

The next morning, I saw Tatsumi over at his friends' graves and decided that I would go and check on him.

"Hey man. How's your injuries?" I asked getting his attention.

"They're getting better. I wanted to ask you if there was someone close to you that Zanku could have used as his illusion." Tatsumi asked causing me to pause.

"I actually don't know. Night Raid isn't the first group I've been a part of but it is the first one I have allowed myself to be close to. My family was murdered via arson(AN:this will be explained in more detail later on) when I was young so I don't really remember them too well." I explained to him.

After a few moments of silence I felt something hit my back. I looked over my shoulder to see Akame had thrown an apron at me.

"What are you two doing? It's time for dinner. Tatsumi you may be injured but you can still pull your weight and YN you don't really have an excuse do you?" Akame pointed out.

"Not really. I've just been thinking about something that's been bugging me." I said while running my hands through my hair.

"Really? What is it?" Akame asked me with curiosity in her eyes.

"Yesterday during the fight, I was helping out Tatsumi when I saw you freeze. I then heard you whisper the name 'Kurome' and I swear I have heard that name before. Who is Kurome" I asked Akame hoping she would explain.

I saw her frown and sadness entered her eyes. It made me feel bad and I was about to apologize for asking when she spoke up.

"I'll tell you when the time comes" she said before walking away.

I just stood there. I don't like seeing anybody sad, but when I saw Akame have a look of sadness after I asked that question. I felt like I just got stabbed in the heart.

"Why does it hurt me so much more to see her sad?"

Akame Ga Kill Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now