Student-Mentor Bonding

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YN's pov

I was in my room getting ready for the day. I can't believe we lost Bro, but I refuse to break down like I did before. Since I'm the one who recruited Kurome, I've been put in charge of training her and helping her out.

When I got outside I found Leone sitting on top of Lubbock and Akame sitting on top of Tatsumi while they were doing pushups. Kurome was sitting under a tree cleaning Yatsufusa.

"It's not his fault. There is a considerable weight difference between myself and Leone." Akame said which made me mentally facepalm.

As Leone was about to hit Akame upside the head, I ran in and grabbed Leone's wrist. Akame really needs to learn how to word her sentences better.

"Leone keep in mind, you're meant to be a powerhouse while Akame is meant to be a quick and nimble assassin. Plus muscle weighs more than fat does." I explained which seemed to calm her down.

"Good. Everyone's here." the Boss said getting our attention.

"I'm off to the revolutionary's main base. I'm thinking they'll need the weapons we got from the three beasts." she explained to us.

I heard Lubbock and Tatsumi whispering instead of paying attention so I walked up to Tatsumi and slapped him as hard as I could on his back. You'd swear a firecracker was set off from the sound.

"What was that for YN?!" he asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You're supposed to be paying attention not having a conversation with Lubbock" I said crossing my arms.

"Akame I'm leaving you in charge. I'm wanting everyone to buckle down and train hard." Najenda said while I glanced over at Akame.

" Alright. Whatever" Akame said with a blank look on her face.

I couldn't help but laugh at her reaction. I felt Kurome elbow me in the ribs which caused me to stop.

"Sorry." I apologized rubbing my ribs.

"Anyways. I'll see you all when I get back." Najenda said before leaving.

Timeskip to after Tatsumi decides to join Esdeath's tournament

"Alright. YN I want you and Kurome to stay here and look after the base while we're gone." Akame said to me as I nodded.

"Yes, Mam." I responded.

"Sure thing sis." Kurome said to Akame who smiled in response.

"I'm glad we're back together Kurome." Akame said causing Kurome to smile.

"Me too"  Kurome said before waving goodbye to the group.

After they left, I went to the kitchen and prepared some tea. After it was done I handed Kurome a cup and we both sat down by the fireplace.

"YN" Kurome called getting my attention

"Yeah?" I asked turning my attention to her.

"I'd like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to be with my sister again. It means a lot to me." Kurome said before taking a sip of her tea.

"Don't mention it. Like I said I never had the chance to get my family back. I wasn't about to just sit back and let you and Akame throw away your chances. Akame was there for me when I needed her so I wanted to do something in return." I said with a warm smile.

"You really are the nicest person I've ever met." Kurome said as I shrugged.

"It's just who I am. I look forward to us training together in the future" I said to Kurome who smiled and nodded.

"As do I" She said in response.

Timeskip to just before Akame Leone, and Mine return.

Kurome and I were cleaning up the base. I was washing the dishes while she was sweeping the floor. Then, we heard the door open. We looked and saw Akame, Leone, and Mine but there's a problem here.

"Wait. Where's Tatsumi?"

Akame Ga Kill Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now