Reuniting A Family

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YN's pov

I had just left a note in Kurome's room telling her to meet me by the lake in the forest where Akame comforted me the other night. I left rather early for my mission so nobody else would be up.

"Well now the only thing I can do is wait and hope she comes." I said to myself as I arrived at the meeting point.


Kurome's pov

I was getting ready for the day when I saw a note on my table. I picked up the note and read it.

"Meet me by the lake in the forest. Feel free to bring a weapon but I just want to talk" I read out loud to myself.

After five minutes of contemplating, I decided I would meet this person. I exited my room and headed for the main room. When I got there I saw everyone enjoying their breakfast.

"Oh. Good morning Kurome. Did you sleep well." General Esdeath asked walking up to me.

"Yes I did. Thank you. I'm going out for a bit. I'll be back later." I said as I headed for the door.

"Alright. Just be careful." she said waving at me.

" I will." I responded before leaving.

Timeskip to Kurome arriving at the lake.

When I arrived at the spot that was specified in the note, I saw a boy with h/c hair skipping rocks across the lake. I just kept watching him for a while before making my presence known.

"Oh. You decided to meet me here after all?" the boy asked as he turned to me.

"Yes. Now what were you wanting to talk about?" I asked as I approached.

"First things first. My name is YN LN and I am a member of Night Raid" He introduced himself.

As soon as he said that, I immediately put my hand on Yatsufusa. Then, he did something that surprised me. He dropped his sword on the ground and kicked it over to me.(AN: you left Eagle Eye back at the base but brought a sword in case more people showed up.)

"Alright. I'm listening." I said after realizing he means no harm.

"I want you to join us" he said causing me raise my eyebrow.

"Are you stupid? Why would I ever join you" I asked clearly losing my patience.

"Just hear me out" He said while I sighed in annoyance.

"Alright. Fine." I said to him despite just wanting to leave.

"My first question is do you really want to kill your sister?" he asked while turning his attention to me.

"Yes. I d-"

"I want you to forget your past, forget your vendetta, and give me an answer from your heart." he interrupted me.

After he said that I looked down. Truth is no I don't want to kill her, I just want to be a family again, but after she betrayed the capital I realized that couldn't happen. I looked back at him and answered truthfully.

"No. I don't but after she betrayed the capital and joined Night Raid I wanted to kill her so we could be together again." I answered him.

"I see. Now let me tell you a story. Most people say that the capital is corrupted but the capital is the reason I became an assassin." he said which made me curious.

"Ten years ago, my family was accused for crimes they didn't commit by none other than Captain Ogre. The judge realized Ogre was bullshitting and declared my family not guilty. Then, one day as I was returning home from playing with some friends of mine, I saw my house was burnt down. Worried about my parents I ran inside only to discover two burnt corpses that had been tied up."

As he was telling the story, I felt bad for him. No kid should have to come home to that and that might actually be worse than what happened to me and my sister.

"While I was crying my eyes out, I heard footsteps running away from my house back to the capital. When I looked in that direction, I saw two Imperial guards and the second in command. One of them had a flamethrower." he said causing my eyes to widen.

Oh. My. God. I couldn't believe what I was hearing and it angered me. I wasn't angry at him though. I then heard YN continue his story snapping me back to reality

"When I was about to kill the second in command, he confessed saying it was Captain Ogre who organized my parents murder. He then proceeded to say he could give me anything I want in exchange for his life. I looked him dead in the eyes and said very simply 'I want my family back'." YN finished his story.

I felt disgusted that I was helping these bastards out. After his story, I was pissed off beyond belief. I then heard him stand up so I did so as well.

"What I'm trying to say is unlike me you still have a chance to get your family back. That's the chance I'm offering you. You have three days to think about your decision. Meet me back here when you've made it." He said before we departed.

Timeskip to the third day

It's the last day YN would be here and I've made my decision. I'm going to accept his offer. I've been constantly replaying his story in my head and I just keep getting more and more pissed off.

I walked into the main room and saw Esdeath sitting down relaxing. I approached her as I calmed myself down.

"General Esdeath" I called getting her attention.

"Yes Kurome?" she asked as she turned to me.

"I would like to take leave of absence " I said which surprised her.

"Any particular reason why" she asked in return.

"I haven't been the best mentally and I am just wanting some time to clear my mind. I have a friend I can stay with who is more than capable of protecting me so that's not an issue" I answered her.

She thought about it for a while. After about three minutes she looked at me and smiled.

"Alright. Take care Kurome" she said to me which made me smile.

"Thank you." I said before leaving.

I immediately headed for the lake where YN said he would be. When I got there I saw him leaning against a tree. He turned his attention to me

"Have you made your decision?" he asked as I smiled.

"Yes. I've decided that I want to join you." I stated which made him smile.

"Alright. Let's get going" he said before leading me to the base.

Akame's pov

We were all in sitting down at the table mourning Bulat's loss. Just then, the door opened. We looked to see that it was YN returning from his mission . Najenda stood up and greeted him.

"Welcome back YN. Was your recruitment mission successful?" she asked him as he smiled

"Why don't you tell me" he said before stepping to the side.

When he stepped to the side my eyes widened. I couldn't believe it. The person he was recruiting was Kurome. I was happy and scared at the same time. What if this is just a trick.

"Kurome?" I asked her as she and YN turned their attention to me.

"Hey Akame. I can assure you this is not a trick. Kurome is the newest member of Night Raid." YN said to me with a smile.

I couldn't contain my happiness anymore. I walked up to Kurome and hugged her tight not wanting to let go. She immediately hugged me back as tears of joy ran down my face. I looked at YN and he had a big smile on his face.

"Thank You, YN"

Akame Ga Kill Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now