Chapter 1 - Introducing Lavinia

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Hello everyone! So I got an idea, and I thought, why not a Hunger Games fanfic? However, I didn't want to take this in the direction of the tributes, but rather, Lavinia, the red-headed Avox girl from the Capitol. Keep in mind that this is her backstory, and it will all lead up to her fate. I'd really like to hear your thoughts on this, if you think I should continue, etc. so please comment, vote, all that jazzy stuff! Enjoy, my fellow tributes! :)


She stared back at the face in the mirror and sighed. She adjusted her wig of curly steel-blue locks, styled in an updo. She knew that she never felt right hiding behind the wig and layers of makeup, but knew that she needed to deal with it, or risk being an outcast.

Lavinia Tacey applied a final coat of peach lipstick to her plump lips. She hesitated before raising herself from her vanity. Time to seize the day. Another day in the Capitol, where the citizens had a sick, selfish view on gambling the lives of children in the Districts. She detested every single one of them for it.

Walking down the hallway of her high-rise, she grabbed her clutch off the counter. Locking the door behind her, she entered the see-through elevators and pressed the G button. She walked to her shining silver car. She slid inside, groaning as she closed the door. She dreaded heading to work today. Today was the start of the Victory Tour, celebrating the victor of the 73rd annual Hunger Games, and in the Capitol, they were all getting ready for the tributes final stop in the Capitol. This year, the celebration is in honor of Talia Dean, from District 1. She was a Career Tribute, a tall, muscular girl with silvery-blonde hair. She won due to her strength, not really shocking, considering where she was from.

The streets were lined with mall-goers, dog-walkers, and the occasional woman in curlers simply checking the mail. Lavinia shook her head. She honestly did not understand the fashion here, but sometimes tried to put a 'normal' twist on the craziness. A touch of nude lipstick, opting in her own hair instead of a wig, only adding elaborate makeup(something she was quite good at.) She was a makeup artist, doing the makeup of notable persons in the Capitol, such as Trini Lacet, Effie Trinket, and even Caesar Flickerman. She was known for what she could do with a brush and a few simple pigments.

She arrived at the building where she worked, a striking, shining high-rise. She smoothed out the pleats in her peplum dress, made of a shiny soft pink and gold. The sleeveless ensemble showed off the silver vine tattoos that adorned her arms. Her pale skin glowed under the minimal layer of makeup she had applied that morning.

"Good morning, Lavinia!" piped a petite woman from the front desk, who was decorated with a shiny metallic forest green wig and makeup to match.

"Morning Crescenda. Lovely day." Lavinia said, her voice oozing with false cheerfulness.

"You have a memo from Celestina. She wants to see you first thing this morning." She urged, her accent drawing thick. That was one thing Lavinia was glad to not have. That dreadful accent that native Capitol citizens harbored. As her being a native of District 1, she was lucky to not have one. She and her brother, Atlas, were taken from their District at a young age when their talents for fashion and makeup were noted. They were forced to leave their former life behind for the Capitol, something most girls in her District had dreamt of all their lives. She thought different.

She sighed. "Okay, will do. I'll go see her right now." She made her way over to the elevator, and pressed the button for the 13th floor. It opened, and she entered. She was not alone. She was accompanied by two men she didn't recognize, both wearing simple black suits with purple shirts beneath them and relatively normal looking, the only sign of Capitol fashion evident on their faces as gold lipstick. She greeted them, to which they smiled. They exited the elevator, one winking at her. They seemed very out of place. She couldn't help but wonder what that was all about.

The door opened, breaking her from her trance. She strolled down the corridor to the last office on the left, knocking on the door. "Come in," said a quiet voice.

She opened the door and walked in, glancing around for the source of the sound. It had come from the corner in the back of the room, from an enormous walk-in closet. Lavinia wandered into the closet, wondering what her friend was tending to now. Celestina was a designer, a master with fabrics. She too lacked that distinct, silly accent. She had become her first friend here at the Capitol, herself a former native of one of District 1. Lavinia had seen her around, mostly in the town square when they were younger, but had never talked to her. Sharing a similar background, they confided in each other and became close friends.

"Lav! I've been meaning to talk to you! I need some help with my newest design for Trini!" Trini Lacet was one of the highest women in the Capitol. She was always on top of fashion, and she was a stunning beauty. She was everything and anything, and everyone envied her. She often got her clothes from Celestina, each time giving her a specific request for the vibe of the ensemble. She never failed to please her.

"What has she asked for this time, Cel?" she inquired.

"She wants something to reflect on winter. Something...tasteful...icy, clean, yet tasteful.." she trailed on. Celestina often got like this when clothes were brought into the subject. She lived and breathed fashion.

"She would expect nothing less from the best designer in the Capitol." Lavinia assured her.

Celestina smiled at her friend, noticing the weariness in her voice. "What is wrong? You sound down."

Lavinia knitted her eyebrows together, not sure how to explain it. "I guess I'm just tired. Been doing a lot lately." In truth, she was tired of it all. The Capitol. It's selfish ways. Everything about it made her feel sick in some way.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Lav."

She shrugged. "It's alright. You needed help?"

"Oh! Yes, I'm sorry. Winter. We're focusing on a winter look. I was thinking something soft, metallic perhaps. I want to capture the iciness of snow, maybe center on the color blue? Silver, perhaps?"

"Sounds great."

"I was wondering if you could design a makeup look to go along with it? No doubt, if Trini likes it, it will have to be mass produced. Everyone always wants to look like her, head to toe. Please, please?" she pleaded. "This look is really important to me."

"Of course. How could I turn down my best friend?" Lavinia smiled.

Celestina beamed at her. "Thank you, thank you!" she hugged her, her smooth silver hair flowing into her face. She laughed, but it soon faded into a serious expression.


Lavinia frowned. "I just remembered. I saw these two men leave the elevator on my way up. They were dressed in black suits, and they were wearing gold lipstick. I wondered what they were here for."

Celestina looked nervous. She averted her eyes. "Oh. Them. Maybe it's best I explain later? It's a bit touchy, actually. I can't tell you here." She said.

Lavinia eyed her nervously, a lump forming in her throat. She hoped this was nothing her friend could get in trouble for, but she had a nagging feeling it was just that. "Er..okay. Over drinks tonight?"

"Uh.. No. Too public. I'll come over, and then I promise I'll explain." she reassured her.

"I'll see you at 6."

From the Silence Comes a Voice (Hunger Games Fanfic - Lavinia the Avox)Where stories live. Discover now