Chapter 6 - An Issue with Eavesdropping

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Hello everyone! I am truly sincerely sorry that this has taken me so long to write! You see, I had writer's block for the longest time, and was just at a loss for an idea. So I just took a break for a while. And now, EmeraldGeminiOfTime and I have been on vacation together for the last ten days, and yesterday morning while she was writing I got an idea. So here we are! I hope you aren't disappointed with this chapter! Please comment, vote, and spread the word! Thanks lovelies! (;


Atlas attended the next rebel meeting, accompanying Lavinia and Celestina. It was an interesting greeting, between Atlas and Atticus, considering they work at the same place. Atlas was a little surprised by the whole thing, and most especially because he had never noticed how many people whom he worked with were a part of the rebellion.

A a month had gone by. Meetings were attended, plans made, people appointed and recruited. It seemed as though at each meeting there were around ten new recruits. Over time, this really added up. Eventually, Atticus and Deimos seemed to think they had enough people to begin putting their plan into action. Of course, it would be about five months until the 74th Hunger Games, but, as with every plan, preparations had to be made. By the time of the Opening Ceremonies and the Games, they might have a slight idea of which Tribute may be useful if they were to survive.

Plutarch Heavensbee, being the only Gamemaker taking part in the rebellion, had a very important task. He was to pay close attention to the Arena plans and relay information to Atticus and Deimos. Of course, they hadn't any Tributes yet, and they wouldn't until the day of the Reaping. But it was necessary to know the terrain they'd be dealing with. It was to be a deciduous forest, stretched over many, many miles. There were not many tricks so far, unlike the Games some twenty years before, where everything: water, food, insects(with the exception of those gathered from the Cornucopia at the start of the Games) was poisoned. No, this year, it was a trick in itself, causing some Tributes to be extra careful about their surroundings. It was obvious to them that something made by the Capitol was not to be trusted.

Varinia, the young girl from the design firm, was proving herself to be most useful. She was a very sneaky person, very sly indeed. She had the keen ability to pull the wool over someone's eyes, all while getting information. She could be so persuasive, it was almost as if she was Charmspeaking her way through to people. It was her job to convince people of joining the rebellion. She had even recruited a few people of high importance in the Capitol. That would be useful once things got a bit more serious.

Lavinia arose from her bed on a busy, Friday morning. They had had a meeting the night before, and she was beat. They had all stayed an extra two hours or so into the night, discussing new topics. One topic was how the Districts would react to rebellion. How many would side with the Capitol? They could only hope for little or none to do so. However, if and when rebellion began, it would be very dangerous for those who may get caught. Naturally, everyone knew this and was willing to take the risks. But would the people of the Districts as well?

Lavinia started to get ready for her day. She decided to wear her hair natural today, which was fiery red and straight. She did however slip a decorative gold headscarf on, which she artfully folded, to complement her satiny cream-colored blouse, which she paired with a black pencil skirt. She slipped her feet into her black studded platforms and left her apartment, locking the door behind her.

When she arrived at work, she received her usual greeting from Crescenda, who was a little gloomy compared to her usual chipper demeanor. Lavinia frowned and asked her what was wrong.

"Oh, nothing too important, dear. It's just that Trini Lacet announced she is taking her services elsewhere."

Lavinia's heart dropped. What would Celestina do? Trini was her most reliable client. "What? Are you serious?" she asked, anxious. Her eyebrows knitted together in concern.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2012 ⏰

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