Chapter 5 - A Little Talk with Atlas

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A week or two went by. Everyone went about their usual business as normal. Or, for the rebels, everything was "seemingly" normal. They went about doing their jobs, socializing, meeting new clients, but slowly began to group with the others that were in the rebellion. For instance, Lavinia and Celestina started meeting up with Varinia and Julius much more often. They met up for lunch, dinner, and on the weekends.

Despite everything going on, Lavinia felt a bit pressured over time. She had been putting off talking to her brother about joining the rebellion as Celestina had asked for a while now. She was extremely worried about what he would think, and worse yet, that when she slipped it into conversation, he would report them all. It was for these reasons that she was extremely nervous while she awaited his arrival to her condo. He was coming over for dinner and to "catch up", as she had put it on the phone. He agreed without hesitation and even offered to bring wine. Now she was almost regretting inviting him over, anxious about the topic she was to bring up.

A little after seven o'clock, a light rapping came on her door. She rose from her seat on the couch and answered it. She found her brother standing outside the door, and his face lit up when he saw her. She smiled back.

"Lav! It's so good to see you again, sis." he greeted her with a light hug.

"It's good to see you too, Atlas. I miss our sibling time and our witty conversations." she pouted.

"Ah, me too. I've just been so busy, you know?"

She nodded, understanding completely. Atlas was the editor-in-chief for the magazine 'Capitol Couture.' He was always booked with something new to work on for the latest issue.

"Come on in. I'm making us dinner." she invited him inside.

He followed her in, closing the door behind him. "Smells great, sis. Aren't you just quite the little chef?" he teased.

She giggled, rolling her eyes at her brother. "Yes, well, I do try my best!"

He followed her into the kitchen, setting a dark red wine bottle on the table. Lavinia went to open the oven, where a delicious lasagna dish was baking. She had also prepared wedding soup, along with a golden pudding for dessert. She poured them each a bowl of the soup and told Atlas to be seated at the table. He uncorked the wine and poured them a glass each.

"So how's work been going, Lav?"

"Oh, really good. I've been helping Celestina with a lot of new designs and makeup looks. Most of them for Trini," she replied.

"Lacet? Trini Lacet?" he asked, his eyes widening.

She nodded. "The very one. She's been coming to Celestina for new outfits very often. She always asks me to come up with a makeup look for it as well."

"That's great! Especially getting clients as famous as Trini. Good for you and Cel both. How is Celestina by the way?"

"Very well, it seems. Very hectic at work though for her, she is the one designing the outfits."

"Of course."

Lavinia directed the question back to him. "What about you, At?"

"Very well. Things are going great for CC. Have you checked out the latest issue?" he questioned.

"Of course! I loved that new column on those Tuk shoes. Those were adorable."

"Yes, most of the ladies in the office loved them and couldn't wait to feature them. What really interests me is that new gold lipstick trend. Have you seen it?"

Lavinia dropped her spoon. She swallowed. Had he figured out anything about the rebellion? And if he had, had anyone else? "Oh, uh, yes. It's very trendy. Trendy indeed." she stammered.

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