Chapter 4 - Meeting

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It was finally the day of the first meeting that Lavinia will attend. It was planned to be at 9 pm at a location unknown to her. Atticus had told her that Celestina would help her get there.

She kept her hair at its natural length and color, deciding it would be best for everyone to see her as she truly is. It would be awful ironic to dress in the Capitol's fashions when they were planning to uprise against the wretched place they called home.

She was dressed in a navy ruffled skirt with a simple teal cardigan, atop a tank with tiny flower print. She finally felt comfortable dressing like she did back home in District 1. Like she was in her own skin again.

She applied the gold lipstick Atticus had given her, and set off down the street further into town, earning a few confused stares from her fellow citizens. Her outfit choice was very casual, and not at all like her 'usual' self. She brushed this off, but instead smiled at everyone who shot her a look.

After several minutes of walking, she arrived at Celestina's high-rise. She walked in and rode the elevator upstairs to the top floor. Once she arrived at the top, she knocked on her door, only to have it open seconds later.

Celestina emerged from behind the door, not looking like herself at all, in a sense. Instead of her usual fluffy or brightly colored dress and high hairstyles, her dark brown hair was in curly spirals that cascaded down her shoulders, and she was dressed in jeans with dark brown high-heeled boots that came to her knees. She was wearing a soft ivory sweater that complimented her fair skin tone. The amount of makeup she had applied was minimal, the focal point of her face the gold lips. She smiled nervously. "Ready to go?" she asked.

"As I'll ever be."

They took off down the hall to the elevator and rode to the lobby. Once they emerged from the glass doors, Lavinia turned to her friend. "Lead the way," she laughed. "I don't know where I'm going."

"Okay then. He told me that it's in a location that's very quiet, not many people. I've never been there, but I suppose we should take a cab. It'd be much faster."

Lavinia knitted her arched eyebrows together, frowning. "I take it's across town then?" she asked.

"Yes. On the other end of the Capitol. In a little area called Shiner's Park. I believe it is in Atticus's home."

Celestina whistled for a cab, which one pulled up right beside them. She told the driver their destination, and he took off through the busy streets.

Upon arriving at Shiner's Park, they told the cabbie to let them off at the top of the street. He did so, and they walked towards the end of the avenue.

"What's his address?" she asked.

Celestina thought for a moment. "362. Yes, I believe that's what he told me. 362."

The girls searched for the home, only to find it to be the last home in the cul-de-sac. They slowly walked up the walkway. It was a huge home. He hadn't mentioned he was rich, or that he lived in a mansion. It had beautiful white walls with pillars in the front. The landscaping was nicely up kept. There were lights on inside, and they could see people in the front room. This had to be the right address. Lavinia rang the doorbell, and moments later the large door opened. Atticus appeared, in more casual clothes this time. Dark jeans and a black button down, which was open to reveal a flattering gray t-shirt. He smiled, revealing a set of perfect teeth.

"Hello ladies. Come on in. We're still expecting a few more people." he greeted them.

They stepped in the foyer, admiring their surroundings. The inside was even more impressive and stunning than the outside. The walls were painted a soft beige, and they were tastefully decorated. A massive clock stood in the corner, and there were inviting sofas and chairs in the living room, just past the foyer. Atticus was just about to close the door when a man's voice boomed just outside. They turned around.

"Hold that door, Atticus!" the man said.

He held the door long enough for the man to step through. He was a large man, maybe in his thirties,with sandy blonde hair. His face has kind features, and he seemed like a nice man. He smiled over at them.

Atticus guided him over to the two ladies. "Lavinia, Celestina, I would like to introduce you to Plutarch Heavensbee. Plutarch, meet Lavinia Tacey and Celestina Latro."

"Lovely to meet you ladies," Plutarch said shaking each of their hands. "I'm sort of the insider to the Games."

Lavinia thought for a moment. That could only mean one thing. "You're a Gamemaker?"

He nodded. "Yes, Ma'am. Trying to work my way up to Head Gamemaker. For cause of the rebellion, of course. But we'll discuss more of that later." He winked, then departed into the crowd.

A moment later, everyone was called to attention.

"Can I have everyone's attention please? Thank you. We're going to move this party downstairs, okay? It's a little more...ah, secretive." Atticus ushered everyone toward a door to the left, and once everyone was downstairs, he closed the door behind him. He and Deimos stood at the front of the room, while everyone took a seat in one of the many chairs placed around tables in the roomy finished basement.

It was Atticus who started the conversation. "So, I'd like to start with I introducing our newest members. Everyone, I'd like you to say hello to Celestina Latro and Lavinia Tacey. Welcome ladies!"

Each girl waved when her name was called. Lavinia took a quick glance around. She hadn't realized how many people she actually knew here. Varinia was sitting not too far away from her, and Julius, another designer who worked for their design firm. Both waved to her and smiled. She mirrored their gestures, waving and smiling back. Then she turned her attention back to Atticus and Deimos.

"So as you all know we are here to discuss a very touchy subject--rebellion." he began. "I would like to ask my good friend Plutarch--Plutarch, please stand--Plutarch, tell me. How have things been going in your area of work?" he asked.

"Well, Atticus, I'm afraid I have to tell you that it seems as though there are no people in my profession worthy of trust to include in the group. As Gamemakers, most are too proud to be from the Capitol and to have such a high job that it seems as though they are oblivious to the wrongdoings of the Capitol. They merely view the Games as pure entertainment." he explained with a sigh.

Atticus smiled. "Tis alright. I'm sure we can find new recruitments elsewhere. In the meantime, Varinia, have you heard anything from your supervisors? Any signs at all?"

"No, sir. I think I'll have to listen a little while longer. I don't think it wise to bring up the subject with him until I have more information." she replied.

"Keep on that then. Anyone have any ideas, any ideas on a plan? Any plan, really."

Plutarch hesitantly rose. "Well...I have been thinking about something. It's just something to think about. What if this year in the Games, we were to get a tribute who was a bit, of I don't know...rebellious?"

Atticus blinked, looking a bit taken aback. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I mean...say there's a tribute who is willing be a little more...outspoken, than others. Don't you think that would have an impact on Snow? Don't you think they would be worth pursuing? I mean, think about it. We all get a little attached to some of the victors, since they're famous and all. I think if anything were to happen to them, most especially intentionally, people would be mad. Outraged, even."

Atticus looked thoughtful. He looked to Deimos. "What do you think?"

"I'd have to agree with him. I mean, it can't be set into stone, it'd be an ongoing project, we'd have to see who wins the 74th Games. But I think that it could definitely be something worth watching for." Deimos stated.

"Okay then. Does everyone agree? Any questions?" Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, glancing around. Lavinia thought it seemed like a great idea.

"Alright! I think that's enough for this meeting. The next meeting will be in one month, unless I notify otherwise. You are dismissed." Atticus gestured to the door.

Everyone got up and started up the stairs in groups. Celestina looked at Lavinia and asked, "What do you think of the plan?"

" I think it may work," she replied. "But we can only wait and see."

If only they knew at the time that this plan would be going into action very soon.

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