Chapter 2 - Rebellion?

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The day slowly passed on without event. Lavinia did her job, designing makeup looks for numerous outfits and practicing them. Celestina successfully designed that outfit for Trini. It was a gorgeous long slim pant jumpsuit, a light steel-blue color with silver accents. It was one sleeved, with a dramatic ruffle crossing the neckline and ending in a delicate bow. It reflected winter with it's soft features and the icy colors she had chosen, and it was beautiful.

Lavinia designed a makeup look to go along with it. It was a gradient of silver to light to royal blue, with chrome silver rimming the eyes, a little glitter, and full lashes. The rest of the face would be kept pale, with just a bit of rosy tint, and frosty pink lips.

All through the day, she couldn't help but worry about what her friend had to tell her that was so secretive. She couldn't even bring her self to think that it was something unallowed, a rebellion meeting so to say, because this would only result in punishment, possibly for the both of them.

She was busy making dinner when she heard a knock at her door, assuming that it was Celestina. She hurried over to the door, and opened it up. Her friend was standing there with a nervous smile on her face. She walked in the apartment, and glanced around.

"Hey. I was just making us some dinner."

"Thanks. I'm starved!" Lavinia giggled, but couldn't help but notice how her friend was wringing her hands and her voice was wavering. She motioned for her friend to follow her to the kitchen so she could finish. She pulled it out of the oven, juicy chicken oozing with soft cheese and pesto for flavor, to be paired with roasted potatoes with seasonings. It smelled delicious. She prepared plates for the both of them, and laid them on the table, where they both took a seat. It was Celestina who started the conversation.

"Okay," she said, her voice sounding apprehensive. "So, about the men you saw leaving work."

"Yes, I've been wondering about them. They looked very out of place, it shocked me a bit to see someone look so normal here in the Capitol."

"Yes, well..." she lowered her voice to a softer level, no doubt trying to lower the risk of being heard in the busy high-rise full of Capitol citizens.

"Allow me to explain. They are part of" Her voice dropped to a whisper on that last word.

Lavinia was confused. She didn't understand. Rebellion? One does not simply 'rebel' in the Capitol. That was basically a self-sentence to imprisonment, or even suicide. It just didn't happen. "Wh-what? What do you mean?" she asked.

She took a deep breath. "Well, they are a group seeking rebellion. They are..tired of the Capitol's ways." she explained.

Tell me about it, Lavinia thought. She felt the same way. "And what exactly does this have to do with you?"

"They had come to..discuss it with me. Ask if I felt the same way."

"And what did you say?" As much as she felt the same way as those men, she didn't like the thought of her best friend getting caught up in that. It was dangerous, very dangerous if caught. They all knew how ruthless the Capitol government was. She could only imagine what would happen should they get caught. She shuddered at the thought.

She took a deep breath. "I said...that I felt the same way." she revealed.

Lavinia closed her eyes. All these years, they had shared the same thoughts on the sick Capitol. She was just way too afraid to voice her opinion, for fear of Celestina not having the same views and judging her. She was afraid it would put a rock in their relationship. "I agree."

"Do you? Oh goodness, I thought I was the only one. I feel so guilty thinking this about our home, but I can't help it."

"I know. So what do you think these men are planning?"

"For right now, they just want to try to get some people's thoughts. See if it's even worth doing. Then if they feel they have a sufficient amount of 'rebels', they will start planning something. The gold lipstick is just a little trademark of theirs. A little symbol to show you agree. It's easy enough to cover as to not arouse suspicion, as of course, it blends in with everyone else's makeup. People will just think you've picked up on a new trend. But you can only get that specific shade from them. That way you can tell the difference between the rebels and the trend-goers."

They had really thought this out. The lipstick thing was sort of ingenious. It would never be suspected. She watched Celestina pull something from her pocket, which she recognized as a small tube. It was the lipstick. This meant that she had officially agreed to join them. She gasped. "Cel, are you absolutely sure about this? About this whole rebellion? It could be dangerous!"

"I don't care anymore! If it could mean helping to reform the government, to change things, get rid of these sick Games, it would be worth it. And I was wondering if you would like to join with me."

She met her eyes and hesitated. Then she looked down at the table, and spoke. She couldn't get her voice to a higher level. "Yes," she whispered.

"Oh, goodness. This is wonderful. You see, they're getting very close to a good number of people to even bother doing anything. They're stopping by again tomorrow to talk to us about it. They will give you the lipstick then. I was also wondering if you could talk to Atlas about it." she asked.

Talking to her brother, Atlas, about something like this would be hard. He wasn't one to divulge his emotions very often, so you never really knew how he felt. They had grown up together, yes, but he just wasn't that type of person. "I can try my best."

"Thank you so much," she said in a quiet voice. "You have no idea how important this is to them."

She just nodded. Then she realized something. "Wait--you've never told me their names."

"Oh! Yes, I haven't. Their names are Deimos Alcinder and Atticus Ernestus." The names didn't sound familiar at all. She wondered of they were from the Capitol. Maybe not. Normally, children of the Capitol are raised to love the Hunger Games and this sick environment.

"Okay. I think I'm in."

"Great. You have no idea how much this might help, Lav. In the long run, it might really pay off."

She sighed. She really hoped her friend was right. But would it be worth it in the present time, in their lives? That was one thing she could only wait to see.

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