Suspicions |2|

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I'm back, I'm back, I'm back ❤️.

Back at home, Naomi tugged helplessly on the restraints as Jennifer gave her head she didn't want. Tears streamed down her face as her body reacted to it. It felt so good, but she hated that it was happening. She just wanted her boyfriend, not this crazy white bitch.

"Stop running from me, Naomi. Fuck Jayson." Jennifer snarled, rolling her ice blue eyes.

"Bitch, fuck you! You'll never have his place!" Naomi yelled, her words piercing through her throat through her tears.

"He's lame as fuck, Naomi. You get dick from him, which he looks like he delivers quite well, though. Might have to try that next." Jennifer smirked. "But I don't want him. I want you, baby."

"You'll never fucking have me." Naomi cut back, her words like ice.

Jennifer's neck reared back.

"I can have whatever the fuck I wanna have. You're gonna fuckin learn that, Naomi."

Naomi's eyebrows furrowed. "You can't be this stupid." She laughed lightly. "Get me the fuck out of these cuffs."

As soon as Naomi finished her sentence, a beeping sound came from Jennifer's purse.

Jumping off the bed, Jennifer ran to her purse and pulled her phone out, where she eyed the screen before cursing and turning the beeping off.

"You got lucky." She snarled as she uncuffed Naomi, pulled her coat on, and tried to gather her things.

Naomi put on Jayson's hoodie and pulled her underwear back on before grabbing Jennifer by the hair. As she snatched her head back, Naomi caught glimpse of a eye full of tears.

"What the fuck are you crying for?" Naomi hissed, scrunching up her face.

"Let me go, you don't understand."

"I understand you got me fucked up."

Jennifer sucked her teeth before reaching and slapping Naomi as hard as she could.

"You could've just been with the program, bitch."

Naomi fell, hitting her head on the footboard of their bed. Instantly, she was unconscious. Jennifer left quickly, pulling out of the parking lot as Jayson pulled in. He knew it was her, but wanted to check on his girlfriend.

Jumping out his car, he went inside the building, running up the stairs to their floor. As he got to their apartment, he quickly pushed open the door.

An eerie silence filled the apartment and he knew something was wrong. Naomi was the loudest person he knew, whether she was playing music, singing, yelling, or just talking. It didn't matter.

"Nai!" He yelled, walking through the house to their room.

Immediately, he saw her laying on the bed with the covers pulled up around her, a small note laying beside her in the bed.

He slowly picked it up, noticing a fancy calligraphy.

"I'll be back for her."

It read. At that moment, Jayson knew he'd have to beat the fuck out of this little white girl. It didn't matter that his career could be in danger, Naomi had been there for him since they were 15, and he'd be damned if something happened to her because of people he brought her around.

Shaking Naomi, he realized she wasn't waking up and went and got a cold wet towel. After wiping her face and neck, she slowly woke up, her eyes darting quickly across the room in fear.

"It's just me, baby. She's gone."

Naomi looked her boyfriend in the eye and broke out into a sob, hugging him as hard as she could. She couldn't believe the bitch actually broke into their home and raped her again.

"C-Call the police, Jay." Naomi sobbed.

"The police? Huh?" Jayson's face scrunched. "Nah Nai I'm calling niggas from the Lou, the gone come handle this bitch. The police ain't gone do shit."

"You can't just call boys from St.Louis to come kill her, Jayson."

Jayson's eyes quickly flickered to their electronics sitting on their nightstand and he covered her mouth before mumbling.

"Girl you ain't seen all them conspiracies? About them FBI agents? When the last time you been on Instagram? Don't say that shit no more." He whispered furiously before looking up at the ceiling. "Lord, my girlfriend dumb."

"Shut the fuck up." Naomi chuckled, although he was dead ass. "Soo, when is this gonna take place?"

"Huh? When is what gonna take place ?" Jayson asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Jayson, really?"

"Naomi, really? What you talking about princess? You okay? Sit up."

Naomi rolled her eyes at how dramatic he was being, but sat up.

"I'm fine Jayson. Really. I just want this to end. And I want to move."

"We ain't going no fucking where. She not about to run us out our own damn apartment, I'll beat her ass."

"I just want my round with her ass. She lucky she had me handcuffed." Naomi huffed.

"Yeah your ass can't get out of handcuffs. This I know." Jayson smirked.

Naomi laughed lightly, looking at him. He managed to brighten her dim mood by joking, even though she knew he was pissed off.

"It's okay to be mad, Jay."

"I'm not mad, Nai. I'm pissed, but trust me, that bitch gone get hers, and my suspicions are never wrong."


Omggg, I didn't forget about y'all trust me. I been working on four at a time so just 😩. I'm sorrryy.

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