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blackpinkofficial #YG #BLACKPINK #DEBUT #DANCEPRACTICE #VIDEO #20160706 #10AM

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blackpinkyg yes! a new girl group to stan

bp_yg i feel like this group isn't like the other groups

blackpinkfacts debuting soon

girlgroups a new girl group

pjm_95 wanting to stan

joon new group to stan now

jin time to dance to their songs

taetae award shows will be more amazing

yoongi i wish they're a group that can rap

jeongguk who's the maknae

lmb_97 @.jeongguk is that all you care about??

jeongguk @.lmb_97 yeah, why not?

lmb_97 @.jeongguk you'll find out soon...

pcy_97 @pjm_95 wow you're going to stan them?

pjm_95 @.pcy_97 yeah why not??

pcy_97 @.pjm_95 i don't know, you'll see...

jichu @.jin you'll see when they debut...

jin @.jichu okay, i will

nini @.yoongi i think they do..

yoongi @.nini how do you know..

nini @.yoongi idiot, i'm part of the same company as them

yoongi @.nini i'm sorry...

blackbangtan @.nini @.pcy_97 @.lmb_97 @.jichu why are they stupid...

nini @.blackbangtan i don't know..

9 hours ago

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