Chapter Twenty Eight

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Desert Blues


"Major, don't you think this is borderline kidnapping?"Edward says as he's placed in a train seat in front of Armstrong. His arms are crossed over his chest, accepting his fate and practically giving up on fighting the man.

"I feel that does not matter right now," he says as he attempts to make himself comfortable over the stiff seat. "Besides," the big man says with a bit of a smirk, "don't you care to see your dear friends again?"


The pair arrives at Resembool in no time, and as excited Edward is to get away from the uncomfortable seating of the train, he's much more eager to see what the major was talking about. And yet, as they unboard, Edward is met with disappointment as he only sees Breda and old man Fu.

'Is this what Armstrong meant by dear friends?' Edward thought. 'I figured he meant... I don't know. I was just hoping for Sonia.'

"Hey there, chief," Breda calls the two over. Fu says nothing. "Are you guys ready?"

Edward looks at the major. "Ready? Ready for what?"

"You'll see."

Sooner than later, the four men were on a road trip. By horse. Across the desert.

"I did not sign up for this," Edward said through heavy pants. No one commented, so he went on, "I could die from this, y'know. My automail can sear my skin and I could go into shock, any minute now."

Again, no one spoke. Sweat dripped from each of their foreheads. Miffed that he wasn't getting any attention for his complaints, he huffed and turned back to the front, only a vast sea of sand ahead.

"I hate this."


Edward never thought water was such a luxury until now. Once finding the water supply, he practically dumps his whole body into it, letting his body cool down and drinking more than a mouthful.

Once satisfied and after he has supplied some water for himself in a canister, he dries himself off. The horse he rode whinneys and drinks from the water quietly.

"Ruins of Xerxes, huh? Aptly named, if I say so myself," Ed thinks out loud.

"It is hard to believe this city was ruined in a single night," Fu comments, which Ed turns his head at in interest.

"You know the story of the King of Xerxes, too?"

"I have never heard of the King of Xerxes, but the Xingese have a story of the Western Sage. He created alkahestry by mixing traditional alchemy and his newly found ideas and spread it throughout the land."

"That's exactly the story. I guess we just call him different things."

"The tale is all the same, and true." Old man Fu gestures to the broken pillars and the lack of civilization. "The Western Sage, King of Xerxes... He and his ideas all originated from here."

Ed takes in the scenery. Not much to see, though. Only broken things.

'Hard to believe this was once a place full of life.'

Breda and Armstrong have already walked farther into the ruined city, the Xingese bodyguard now following suit. Ed runs to catch up, but he skids to a stop once again when something catches his eye. A collapsed wall with overgrowth crawling up it depicts a transmutation circle. The top portion is missing, either having fallen from years of wear or from the destruction of the now-desolate city.

'Hey... what could this be?'

He doesn't have much time to dwell on it and comes running to catch up with the group when Breda tells him to hurry.

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