Chapter Sixty

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"let me know that you will wait & i will pay for my mistakes to feel the sun again"



A flash of blue light sparks from the transmutation just as everyone crowds closer. Edward is gone, but Sonia doesn't worry like the rest of the group does; they voice their confusion and anxiety with each other while she stays quiet.

In relief she sits down and grins. "You did it, Ed."

A few minutes pass after he's left, and the crowd eventually disperses into groups of their own. Hawkeye and Mustang help Sonia up and escort her a few yards away from the transmutation circle.

"You don't look too worried, Sonia," Roy comments.

"Everything is gonna be just fine, that's why."

More minutes pass, and a white light takes everyone away from their own conversations. The light is coming from where Edward left, so there's no doubt that it's him.

"Fullmetal has returned!" Major Armstrong cheers, then runs straight towards the light. Sure enough, it's the two Elric brothers. Alphonse is cradled in Ed's arms, still asleep. The Major takes off his coat and wraps it around the boy for decency, then they walk to the grass to sit down together.

Everyone runs towards them, but Ed warns them all to leave a little breathing room somewhat jokingly. He looks at his little brother again but truly assesses him this time. His hair is long and a muted gold. His skin is dry and his face and body are hollow to the point that bones are visible. The tenement for his soul has been severely neglected, and Edward doesn't want to imagine what would've happened had he stayed in there any longer.

A look at this Alphonse brings immediate tears to Mei Chang, and Sonia is somewhat grateful not to be able to see his horribly emaciated body, for she's sure she'd cry alongside her. Still, she gently pushes to the front of the crowd until she's right in front of the two brothers. She reaches out a hand and is surprised at the warmth in Alphonse's cheek, his hollow, but real cheek, and strokes it gently once.

This seems to wake him, for a Central soldier yells, "Hey, the kid's coming around!" Sonia removes her hand but stays close.

Alphonse can feel his eyelashes flutter open, and he takes a moment to relish in the almost-forgotten sensation. He felt quite embarrassed when he realized he had an audience, but that emotion quickly washes away when he's met with a dozen reassuring smiles.

"Hi, Al," the girl speaks to him quietly.

"H-hey." His own voice rattles in his throat, and he almost laughs at how it tickles him. He moves to touch his neck, but he notices his hand is being held. He looks, and his fingers are intertwined with yet another bony hand. He follows it upward until he sees his older brother holding him in his lap.

"How are you feeling?" is the first thing he asks.

"Great," Alphonse answers honestly. His emotions are running high and prevent him from feeling his neglected body. He knows it'll hurt like hell later on, but he wouldn't trade it for anything. "How is everyone else?"

Small laughs ring out in his ears as he sees everyone crack up at his question. His face turns pink.

"Don't tease my son too hard," Hohenheim chides, then approaches Al. "Welcome back." He puts out a hesitant hand. Al shakily reaches forward, and their hands interlock. The boy looks at their clasped hands for a long time, a tearful smile on his face.

"Warmth," is all he says.

He turns to Sonia, whose eyes are closed but teary. "Oh, Sonia, if you could only see me." She opens her arms towards him and he accepts the hug. She's careful with her grip.

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