Chapter Thirty One

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The King's True Identity


As the train gets closer and closer to the city, Sonia feels the familiar buzz of the resident's memories around her. It's almost comfortable to her now; she's adapted to Central's enormous population shortly after transferring there with Mustang's group.

She sees the train station approaching closer to view and kicks Ed's non-automail foot with hers until he wakes up. He gives her a grumpy look but looks out the window to see Central City's streets outside.

Both leave the train and Ed immediately turns to go the military hotel, but Sonia hesitates. He notices he's walking alone and turns around.

"I have to go see Roy. I'm gonna have to face him eventually, so it might as well be now. Say hi to the group for me, please. Let them know I'm okay."

Ed nods. "I will. See you soon. And hey, make sure Colonel Bastard apologizes."

Sonia's grip on her suitcase tightens. "Oh, I'll make sure he does."

He chuckles and turns to walk away. She watches until he's out of sight completely, then walks to the apartment she and Mustang share.

It's a sunny afternoon, and while Sonia loves Central, she already misses Resembool's weather. Not to mention there are fewer people there.

Once reaching her apartment, she fishes around her coat pockets for her keys to learn that they're gone. She sighs out of frustration and takes the spare from the plant. She makes a note to herself to transmute another copy later.

Sonia expects to see Roy as soon as she opens the door, but it seems as if it's empty.

"Roy?" she calls out, not wanting to show any emotion in her voice, just in case he is in here. There is no response. She checks the kitchen, dining rooms, bathrooms, and both of their bedrooms, but every room is vacant and void of her guardian. Sonia tries to reason with herself. She doesn't want to get worked up for what could be a false alarm. Doubt was gnawing at her sides, though.

'Where else could he possibly be?'

After throwing her suitcase onto her bed, she goes to pick up the phone in the hallway that separates their rooms to make a call. The hallway walls are adorned with pictures of them and friends and family. There's photos of Maes and Roy from their training days, pictures of Roy standing next to Chris Mustang and Sonia in front of them beaming and holding adoption papers that can't be made out in the photo, even one with Mustang's entire crew on their first day. Roy kept these all in his desk drawer, but Sonia convinced him to help her put them up one day. He looks at them much more frequently now.

Finally, the Central Command Center picks up. "This is See-All State Alchemist, Sonia Moran. Can I be transferred to the office of Roy Mustang?"

"Your military code, please."

"Rabbit, Taylor, Oliver, 1, 9, 5."

Sonia waits impatiently for the transfer, but the woman on the line gives her frightening news.

"I'm sorry to say, but no one is there. I imagine his team is visiting him at the hospital or has already gone home for the day. You can call back tomorrow and I'm sure-"

Sonia hangs up and is out the door before the operator can even realize she's been hung up on.

She leaves the door unlocked by mistake.


She can't believe it, even as she's staring at him. Hospitalized? Not Roy.

There's an odd silence in the air. Jean Havoc is lying in bed sleeping, and once Riza sees Sonia come in, she decides to wait out in the hallway. This was meant to give them some privacy, but she can hear the yelling through the walls anyway.

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