Chapter Forty Two

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The car ride was a bit of a squeeze, to say the least. The mining town was not too far, though, so it was bearable to have Al's armor poking into Sonia's side for just a short period of time. She did, however, dash out of the car before it could even come to a stop when she saw that they were now in Baschool.

Once everyone was out of their cars, Miles directed a search party for the Ishbalan man on the run.

"This is where Scar was last seen. An old ghost town like this is the perfect place to hide." He divides the teams up evenly, with the two guards that Kimblee brought being assigned to the Elric brothers. Sonia is instructed to follow them, but her first priority is to protect Winry. She made a mental note to teach Winry some simple combat at least the next time they had a chance.

The two girls stayed a few paces behind them, not even noticing when the two guards mysteriously disappeared. The Elrics led them into one of many of the abandoned buildings. They climbed up a few flights of stairs until they reached the rooftop. Looking out onto the town they reached a consensus that it would take forever to search the whole town like this.

"If only Scar came to us instead," Ed groaned in frustration.

Sonia huffed in agreement, but quickly turned around when she felt a presence.

'Qi,' she reminded herself. That is if Lan Fan was right about her. She almost calls out for it to show itself, but she doesn't get the chance. Mei Chang reveals herself as she emerges from the staircase below. She locks onto the familiar suit of armor and her eyes light up.

"Alphonse!" Her high pitched voice is surely heard throughout the town as she squeals with excitement.

"Mei? Thank the stars, we've been looking for you!"

Somehow, they can see hearts in her eyes. "For me?"

"We wanted to learn about alchestry, and we know you can help us!" he went on. The girl pays no mind, though, and is rambling about the younger Elric brother in adoration. She is, however, actually interrupted by a knock coming from the boy's armor.

"Can I come out yet?" Winry's voice sounds tinny through the metal. She unlatches his chest piece and gracefully tumbles out.

"Sucks to be in there, huh?" Sonia asks her, recalling her time in the suit. Before Mei could burst into a fit, another figure stepped out of the darkness. His face was frightening - almost too marred to be recognized. It took a minute for them all to realize it was Dr. Marcoh.

He was a terrible sight, to say the least.

The two brothers were shocked and went to him immediately, asking questions and worrying about him. Sonia felt sorrow for the old man but was preoccupied with her senses picking up yet another aura. She approached the corner with caution, and when she didn't recognize the man cowering below her, she grabbed him by the shirt collar. He squirmed in her grip, grasping at the hand that held him captive.

"We've got another one!" she yelled over her shoulder, then presented the man to them.

"Let me go, girly!" the unattractive man yelled.

"Oh, please just let Yoki go," Dr. Marcoh deadpanned.

"Your friend?"

He scratched his head. "Erm..."

That didn't necessarily convince Sonia, but she took another glance at Yoki and decided he wasn't a threat. After she let go she could hear him mumble about his crumpled shirt.

"Well isn't this just a perfect little pow-wow. Now, all we need is Scar." Sonia said with no humor in her voice. Her torso ached as if her own body remembered the ugly memory. Would she ever feel any different?

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