112 14 8

!warning! Mentions of self harm

Ryan and I where both sitting in our bed. My head on Ryans chest and Ryans arms around my head.

"Ry?" I whispered and Ryan hummed. "Please show me your wrists." I whispered again and Ryan, whom was running his fingers through my hair, stopped. "Please Ry." I said again and Ryan pulled away from me.

He lifted his sleeve up a bit to reveal that the sunglasses that showed the beach in the distance where misshapen and scratched up. Showing about four different scars (new) on that wrist alone.

I placed two of my fingers over the scars and closed my eyes.

Please, whenever I am not here. Please help Ryan.

I opened my eyes and he had already lifted the other sleeve revealing about twelve new scars. His stay alive tattoo was cut into the most.

"Did you do this on purpose?" I asked pointing to the tattoo.


"Honey-" I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I leapt forward and wrapped my arms around Ryans neck as I hugged him.

He hugged my waist and we both fell down onto the bed.

I took one of my hands off from behind his neck and brushed some of his curly hair out of his face.

"You know I love you, right?" I whispered and Ryan smiled.

"I know, just sometimes I forget."

Today in music a kid in my class asked: "how do we play good?" It was really weird
Also the girls bathroom is haunted the paintings get switched and my fren who's in 8th grade (I'm in 7th) normally moves them but she always tells us when she does and today they where seriously moved and the last stall was super cold and then Billiejoesfluffyhair found a stable in her combat boots
It's creepy
Umm oh we're watching Selma in history and I cried it's so sad and the act that this actually happened is the worst part how come people discriminate against other PEOPLE??
Oh when I left my school today I leave out the back and you have to walk through like a field to get to the back parking lot and it was pouring today and the field was like a swap so I walked down the stairs and as soon as I stepped off the step I slipped and got mud all over my pants and my viola :/
Also if there isn't a update tomorrow that's bc it's our concert for my school and I'm gonna be doing that so yee I don't have a Fanfic Suggestion today
•Song Suggestion•: Gun. by My Chemical Romance

~enjoy killjoys~

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