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Summer's POV

We head out into the morning sun once handing in the hotel room key for the day. All I can think is the cuteness behind Jays eyes at the sight of him in that nervous state. No one had ever been like that around me before and I felt so special just by hearing his confession to me.

His fingers lace into mine and when I see the ride my heart almost bursts of excitement. The amount of fancy cars and modes of transportation I've taken over the years, I have never experienced a horse drawn carriage.

My jaw drops to the concrete floor as the beautiful glossy white pony whinnies up at me and the coachman signals a wave and smile at me and Jay. The squeal I've been trying to hide away from potentially embarrassing myself even more finally escapes and the smile spreads even further into my cheeks. the grip strengthens on mine and Jays hands and I practically skip towards the ride. "Oh my gosh how did you get this?" I let go of his hand and begin to stroke the pony allowing it to make more noises of satisfaction.

"This is David, my dads best friend who also owns horse stables he said he'd take us out." I signal a wave at David who smiles at me then to Summer in turn. "Well Sum, I'm glad that your happy but there's another place that we've got to be before lunch!" He clutches onto my hand and pulls me away and waits for me to climb the steps up to the carriage where I sit down on the fluffy white seating with Jay perched next to me.

David shouts a few words to the horse and then we begin to move pit of the hotel gates and down the road by the ocean receiving a few waves from people on the side walk as we pass them.

Eventually we take a turn down a small street that I'd never seen before. it has a few old fashioned houses but we don't stop until we reach the end of the street and the carriage stops. I glance at Jay and notice that he's already looking at me, smiling still. He holds out his hand for me to take and I don't resist.

We walk around a corner and down a smaller street and at the end is a tiny store which we enter. "Where are we going?" I whisper into his ear.

"Hello!" A grey haired lady greets us as we enter the store. It's a pretty little place with colourful walls and sofas and a vending machine in one corner next to a large white wood desk. the room provides a very old yet unique and urban style to it. I can't help but feel slightly confused as Jay let's go of my hand and tells me to take a seat so he can speak to the lady.

"Come on then!" He returns back to me with an even bigger smile and reaches for my hands.

We follow the lady into another room and finally I understand what this place is. The next room opens to a cute orange painted studio with wooden desks that a plastered in different coloured paints that have spilt. Two of the walls are fixed with wooden shelves all holding ceramic figures and vases and the other wall holds paints and brushes and other arty equipment. "So, welcome to Mindy's Paints and pots! I'm Mindy obviously, and this is my work place. Today I'm going to give you a little workshop then I'll leave you two sweeties to the painting if you would like?"  The lady grins at us and I'm instantly smiling back at her in excitement. I remember my tenth birthday party was in a place like this. I've always loved art and I'm actually quite good at it too.

My assumptions were correct. This day is already turning into the best day of my life.

Jay's POV.

Why I chose to bring Summer to Mindy's I have no idea. I've never been brilliant at art but I knew it would be fun until I became slobbered with soaking wet clay and got drenched in the stuff turning my white shirt into a grungy grey one.


I stop the pottery table from spinning and watch as my pot collapses inwards, the slippery liquid slobber turning to a pile of muck. I give up on it and decide to have some fun of my own. I take the remained pile and lift it in my hands. Summer spots me and instantly screams as I launch myself at her, missing her totally and landing face first on her side of the workshop on the floor in a pile of old clay.

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