stars (appleshy)

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"night Mac" the orange pony said to her older brother as he headed towards the house, applejack took off her hat to feel the cool freez blow through her golden locks she let out a long breath after a hard days work on the farm, she placed the hat back on her head and started to walk in the direction her bother had moments ago, she stopped once she felt a presents behind her she turned around to be greeted by a mare with a yellow coat and a light pink mane covering most of her face, who she recognised to be her friend fluttershy
"hey sugar cube, can't sleep" the farm pony asked even though she already knew the anwser, this made been a common occurrence for the shy peaguses to come to the farm at night due to her not being abel to sleep, fluttershy gave a slow nod towards her friend
"well come on then, let's go for a walk" applejack gave a small smile towards fluttershy knowing walks always calm her down, especially late at night when no other pony's are around, fluttershy smiled back knowing she made the right choice to come and see applejack.

It had been 10 minuets of comftobal silence between the two ponies, The only sounds where there hoove steps on the dirt trake and the slight breeze that brushed against the tress, suddenly fluttershy halted in her traces causeing the orange pony to look at her with confusion on her face
"u-um, can we sit down somewhere please?" the yellow pegasus asked quietly "well sure thing, come on I know a nice little place over here" applejack said as she wondered off of the dirt trake, fluttershy followed her quitely, they came across a little stream of water dividing the lad into two, The country girl took a seat and so did fluttershy
It returned back to comfortabel silence with the new sound of running water
"any reason you can't sleep?" AJ said out of the blue startling fluttershy
"uh n-no, not really"
"alright hon, but you know you can always talk to me"
Fluttershy gave a quick nod signalling yes they both looked upwards where they could both see that Princess Luna was hard at work on the night sky.
"the stars are really shinning tonight"
The Pegasus said not taking her eyes off the delicate display that would be night shy
"yeah, they are" AppleJack said in wonder both her eyes twinkle along with every star in the sky, she looked over the Fluttershy a shade of pink against her cheeks she stammered for words
She looked absolutely gorgeous at this moment her hair was completely out of her face with both eyes showing and a smile gently smile against her lips
Oh god those lips, applejack just wanted too fell them against hers.
The Pegasus heard slowly landed on the earth ponies shoulder, causing AppleJack to blush even more
"I'm you alright sugar?"
"Tired" she stated softly
"wanna go to the barn?"
"wanna stay here"
She nodded her head

A few minutes later fluttershy was fast asleep, still leaning on to applejacks shoulder
She sighed
"I love you... Fluttershy"

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